The poet, author, and indomitable naturalist Jack Prelutsky, having returned safely from far-flung places with an extensive collection of unique creatures that are a blending of...
As soon as Fred gets out of bed, his underwear goes on his head. His mother laughs, "Don't put it there, a head's no place for underwear!" But near his ears, above his brains, is...
Impossible to listen to only once, these exuberant poems are filled to the brim with smiles and silliness and are sure to be loved by children from Miami to Seattle.So much to...
Here are more poems bursting to be listened to, chanted, laughed over, and remembered.It would be hard to find a school-age kid who has not read or heard a Prelutsky poem and who...
Have you ever encountered an underwater marching band, a pig in a bathing suit, a pet orangutan, or a witch in a hardware store? Have you ever sat with a skunk in a courtroom,...
I'd rather take bathswith a man-eating shark,or wrestle a lionalone in the dark,eat spinach and liver,pet ten porcupines,than tackle the homeworkmy teacher assigns.Jellyfish...