In the year 1887, in space, a battle occurs between two ships, and one of them, being hit, crashes on Earth. Its occupant, a being with hyperpowers, generates a suit and...
Dropboy is a series of books where the title character that becomes liquid, gets involved in many adventures. He defends his friends Andy, Takao, Anny, and Roa from the fumbling...
The miniseries consists of three volumes. Australia is a country with a stabilized economy and significant growth in the international market, but some men do not like this...
A man who suddenly finds himself with powers and weapons like blades that spring from his body. They emerge as defensive and offensive weapons without him understanding how all of...
The miniseries consists of three volumes. Australia is a country with a stabilized economy and significant growth in the international market, but some men do not like this...
In the year 1887, in space, a battle occurs between two ships, and one of them, being hit, crashes on Earth. Its occupant, a being with hyperpowers, generates a suit and...
The miniseries consists of three volumes. Australia is a country with a stabilized economy and significant growth in the international market, but some men do not like this...
The miniseries consists of two volumes. Holographicman is the type of secret project the government wishes would never be discovered, especially when it goes out of control. This...
The miniseries consists of two volumes of the title created by Ricardo Garay and produced and printed in the 90s, now in digital version. Virtual Hunter volumes 1 and 2. If you...
A nobleman murdered in the 19th century. His name before being murdered was Sir James Doyle. His vengeful spirit wanders in the night fog of London and throughout England,...