Islam (vol. 2): The Prophet Mohammed
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino Editore

The Qur’an, which should be the primary source about the life of Mohammed (Muhammad), does not provide any detail about him, as opposed to the Torah or the Gospels which...

Salvatore Quasimodo
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

Salvatore Quasimodo has been one of the greatest Italian contemporary poets. In 1959 he won the Nobel Prize for literature.The mini-books of Passerino publisher are easy,...

Household Safety Monitor: Safeguarding Your Home For Your Child
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

It is often necessary to make changes around the living spaces at home and around the home when there is a new addition to the family in for form of a child. These changes would...

Benedetto Croce
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

Benedetto Croce is considered the most important Italian philosopher of the twentieth century.The mini-books of Passerino publisher are easy, essential and complete guides to...

Vittorio De Sica
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

Vittorio De Sica has been one of the greatest directors of the Italian cinema. He was the author of real masterpieces like Sciuscià, Ladri di biciclette and Umberto D. He...

59 Facts You May Not Know About Ancient Egypt
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

An incredible population that made ground-breaking discoveries in many industries and created the world's most ancient State, about 4000 years ago.Passerino Editore's mini...

39 Facts You Probably Did Not Know About The Fascinating Islamic Ascetics: The Dervishes
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

39 facts you probably did not know about the fascinating Islamic ascetics, the dervishes.Passerino Editore's mini ebooks are the quick, simple and complete guides you need to...

70 Ways To Get Motivated And Improve Your Study Habits
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino Editore

This e-book contains tips and tricks that can improve the quality of study and of the approach to books in general.

The Avoiding Baby Battles: All About Planning The Children In The Marriage
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

Planning for a baby should not be taken lightly as it usually entails a lot of detailed issues that should be ironed out and completely understood. This is very important to...

Nutrition For Kids: Essential Nutrients For Children All Parents Should Know
  • By Passerino Editore
  • Publisher: Passerino

Children today are more likely to consume foods that are delicious rather than nutritious, and most foods that come under the delicious category are usually either highly...

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