Watchman Paradox: 1999 Paradox: Part 3

'Sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission ”Paradoxes, a complex and thought-provoking topic that always arouses our curiosity and promises to knot our...

Terminator Paradox: The 1999 Paradox: Part 4

'The Truth sometimes hurts. But it's just a club. ”Paradoxes, a complex and thought-provoking topic that always arouses our curiosity and promises to knot our brains...

Rescue Paradox: The 1999 Paradox: Episode 2

The 1999 Paradox — Episode 2: The Rescue Paradox'Always doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.”Albert EinsteinParadoxes, a...

Dream Girl: 1999 Paradox Series: Part 1

'Dreams are wish Fulfillment.'(Sigmund Freud)Paradoxes, a complex and thought-provoking topic that has always aroused our curiosity and promises to knot our brains ...Follow the...

1999 Paradox: Episode 1: The Dream Girl Paradox

The 1999 Paradox SeriesEpisode 1: The Dream Girl Paradox 'Dreams are wish Fulfillment.' (Sigmund Freud) Paradoxes, a complex and thought-provoking topic that has always aroused...

Dead, Alive & Missing: 1999 Paradox Series: Part 2

'Something Wrong Isn't Very Right ...'Continue following the trajectory of young Denny, and his Alter ego, in search of the forgotten truth, soon after realizing that he was not...

Bridge Girl Paradox: The 1999 Paradox Series: Episode 3

The 1999 Paradox — Episode 3: The Bridge Girl Paradox'What happening now, has happened before, and what will happen in the future, has happened before.”(Ecclesiastes...

Precedente Da Mell: O Paradoxo 99: Episódio 5

O Paradoxo 99: O Precedente da MellParadoxos, um complexo e instigante tema que sempre despertou nossa curiosidade e promete dar nó no nosso cérebro...Usando como premissa, os...

Paradoxo Da Garota Dos Sonhos: Série: O Paradoxo 99 Volume - 1

Série O Paradoxo 99: O Paradoxo da Garota dos Sonhos“Sonhos são a realização dos desejos.”(Sigmund Freud ) A SérieParadoxos, um complexo e instigante tema...

Morta, Viva & Desaparecida: O Paradoxo 99: Episódio 2

O Paradoxo 99: Morta, Viva e Desaparecida.Paradoxos, um complexo e instigante tema que sempre despertou nossa curiosidade e promete dar nó no nosso cérebro...Usando como...

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