The fourteen short stories in To Cut a Long Story Short show Jeffrey Archer’s great skills with a wide variety of character, of subject and of setting, but all with that...
Lubji Hoch escapes from the Nazis, moves to Berlin and changes his name to Richard Armitage. After a successful career in the British Army, he takes over a struggling newspaper...
Long days of boredom in confinement, the general inefficiency of prison bureaucracy and a critically over-stretched prison service. The tediousness of prison life kicks in for...
Prisoner FF8282 gazes out from confinement on what he deems must be a glorious summer’s day, rays of sunlight bursting through the barred windows of his cell.Within the thick...
A flicker of light almost appears at the end of the tunnel for prisoner FF8282, as he is transferred to North Sea Camp near Boston, Lincolnshire, a D-category prison. Under a less...
An imprisoned man is certain that his supposed murder victim is very much alive... a female driver is pursued relentlessly by a menacing figure in another vehicle... a young...
Separated at birth by a desperate nurse who loses a millionaire’s son to cot death, twin boys grow up without any knowledge of the other.Nat Cartwright lives with his...
Connor Fitzgerald is the CIA’s most deadly assassin. On the brink of his retirement, he is sent to Russia for one last hit. Except this isn’t just another job. After a fall...
Deliciosa aventura escrita por el superventas Jeffrey Archer empleando a sus propios hijos como protagonistas. Yoyó, el gato del pequeño Willy, ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro....
El superventas Jeffery Archer vuelve con una nueva entrega de las aventuras de Willy, un niño inglés que realiza los viajes más fantásticos acompañado de Randolph, su...