Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD transformed the way the world thinks about death and dying. Beginning with the groundbreaking publication of the classic psychological study On...
On Grief And Grieving: Finding The Meaning Of Grief Through The Five Stages Of Loss
Ten years after the death of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, this commemorative edition of her final book combines practical wisdom, case studies, and the authors’ own...
Life Lessons: Two Experts On Death And Dying Teach Us About The Mysteries Of Life And Living
Chapter One: The Lesson of AuthenticityStephanie, a woman in her early forties, shared this story at a lecture: "One Friday afternoon several years ago, I was on my way from Los...
Viva Agora E Além Da Morte: Reflexões Da Médica Psiquiatra Que Mudou A Percepção Sobre A Morte
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, médica excepcional, compartilha aqui suas ideias e conta trechos da sua jornada, até alcançar a fama internacional, e as muitas críticas que recebeu...