"Kathleen" is a 1920 novel by Christopher Morley. It tells the story of a group of eight Oxford undergrads who call themselves "The Scorpions." One day, they find a letter that a...
Parnassus On Wheels
"Parnassus on Wheels" (1917) was Christopher Morley’s first published novel. It tells the story of Roger Mifflin, who sells his travelling book business to 39-year-old Helen...
The Haunted Bookshop
"The Haunted Bookshop" is a so called "bibliomystery" (a mystery story set in the world of books) from 1919. It is the story of the eccentric owner of the Haunted Bookshop, Roger...
In The Sweet Dry And Dry
Written just before Prohibition, "In the Sweet and Dry" tries to entail the possible troubles that might happen in the future. It takes both sides of the argument, and sketches...