Discover where faeries and other mythical creatures are hiding in our modern, urban environment with this beautifully illustrated guide to uncovering magical beings. From the...
“Tammy gently guides you to a deeper understanding of the mystical bonds and agreements shared between humans and animals. She is a storyteller, teacher, and healer. A...
“. . . a personal story about waking up and coming home that is also a guide to rediscovering the signs of nature and our ancestors speaking all around us. Kritkausky weaves...
Level up your stargazing skills and learn to interpret your own astrological birth chart with this fun, accessible guide to the twelve houses of the zodiac, perfect for armchair...
"In this book, Suzanne Worthley helps us to understand not just from a physical perspective but from a spiritual/energetic perspective just what an amazing journey the dying go...
Aleister Crowley was born 12 October 1875. He was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema,...
“Combining cutting-edge theories, mysticism, and personal narratives, Jim Willis provides a fascinating overview of the out-of-body experience. Willis seamlessly makes...
“Erica fills in the gaps in our understanding of how sound can heal and change us. Plain and easy to understand, it’s a pleasure to read.”
Aleister Crowley was born 12 October 1875. He was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema,...
The Corpus Hermeticum are Egyptian-Greek wisdom texts from which are mostly presented as dialogues in which a teacher enlightens a disciple. The texts form the basis of...