Self-identifying as “evangelical” is risky business these days. What is Evangelicalism? Is it a historical artifact? A political philosophy? A set of doctrines? A litmus test...
What should be the primary emphasis of a theological education? How should the student of theology approach such a transcendent topic? William Swan Plumer answers both questions...
The Works of the Holy Spirit is one message of faith and hope for the Christains all around the World.In this blessed text Horatius Bonar invites us to know more about the Holy...
Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism compares and contrasts four distinct positions on the current fundamentalist-evangelical spectrum in light of the history of American...
Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton. Of the numerous works that Chesterton wrote, the most scintillating synthesis of his philosophy and deeply religious faith was manifested in his...
The Zondervan Biblical and Theological Lectures series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, The Holy...
The Hope of the Gospel is one great selection of the more importants sermons of the George Macdonald.George Macdonald's literature inspired authors such as CS Lewis and others...
Materials drawn from The Face That Demonstrates The Farce of Evolution (ISBN 0-8499-4272-1) Today's generation is bombarded with theories about humankind and its origins. The...
Here is a rich portrayal of redemption! In God So Loved, He Gave we are challenged to don the familiar story of salvation as a vestment more precious than the king’s crown...
We are living in a time when you can believe anything. In the name of “tolerance,” our postmodern culture embraces everything from Eastern mysticism to New Age spirituality....