
Milan Kundera’s brilliant new collection of essays is a passionate defense of art in an era that, he argues, no longer values art or beauty. With the same dazzling mix of...

The Curtain

“A magic curtain, woven of legends, hung before the world. Cervantes sent Don Quixote journeying and tore through the curtain. The world opened before the knight-errant in...

Diary Christopher Columbus

In appoint this work naming Christopher Columbus as the hero of humanity, I do not mean to beatify or canonize him. He did not use fair methods at all, nor was he honest at all,...

I Wrote This Book Because I Love You: Essays

*A People Top 10 Book of 2018* The New York Times essayist and author of We Learn Nothing, Tim Kreider trains his singular power of observation on his (often befuddling)...

But Enough About You: Essays

This collection of Buckley’s essays perfectly showcases and draws upon his many writerly voices… these are among his very best efforts…His thoughts are pithy,...

Let's Be Heard [abridged]

THE KING OF CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO SPEAKS OUT! "Bob Grant is the king of talk radio in New York...He is one of the few talk show hosts who has lasted in combat radio. He...

Maid In Waiting

Maid in Waiting (1931) is the beginning novel in the trilogy of John Galsworthy ‘s Forsyte Chronicles.The story tells of the loves and losses, and fortunes, of life and...

The Custom Of The Country

The Custom of the Country is a 1913 novel by Edith Wharton. It tells the story of Undine Spragg, a Midwestern girl who attempts to ascend in New York City society

The Confessions

Confessions (Latin: Confessiones) is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13 books, by St. Augustine of Hippo, written in Latin between 397 and 400 AD.[1] Modern...

The Complete Writings Of Charles Dudley Warner — Volume 1

INTRODUCTORY LETTERMY DEAR MR. FIELDS,—I did promise to write an Introduction to these charming papers but an Introduction,—what is it?—a sort of pilaster, put...

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