Stevie Says Social Podcast

Why Setting an Arbitrary Revenue Goal is Bad for Business



❌ Do not do this: Set an arbitrary and likely unrealistic revenue goal for your next 12 months (without any clear idea of WHY you’ve set it), burn yourself out hustling to achieve it and then wonder where it all went wrong.Here’s what I so often see:People under $100k a year setting $100k as their revenue goal.People over $100k setting $1m as their revenue goal.And 99% of the online business world selling their coaching and programs off the back of being a “6 figure” or “7 figure” business owner (even if it was for a year in 2020).I’m not a fan of arbitrary revenue goals anymore. Here’s what I AM a fan of instead:1️⃣ Getting clear on the EXACT personal profit goal that will fulfil all of your personal, investing and lifestyle needs.2️⃣ Working out the business profit you need to achieve that (because, you know, taxes).3️⃣ Reverse engineering into a Profit Optimised Business Model to achieve THAT.4️⃣ Enjoying the journey and being okay with it taking more than 1 year to get there.In today's podcast episod