Stevie Says Social Podcast

Mid-Year Checkpoint Part #1: Reset Your 2023 Vision



This week is a big week for me. After three BIG years of planning, construction and building.. and a couple of years of preparing before that, we are finally moving into our "dream home". This is the same home I put on my vision board when I started this business five years ago, and which I have systematically and strategically worked to have come to life.It's one thing to strategise, though.And it's entirely another to quite literally touch, feel and SEE the fruits of that strategic, aligned action come to life. This very exciting moving week got me thinking about the power of vision setting, and using that vision to reverse engineer into a revenue and time goal to make it HAPPEN. So much of the time, we set goals.. only to put them to the side when the hustle and bustle of the year kicks off in favour of "busy work".(Hands up who set BIG goals for 2023, only to wonder how the flip we're in (almost) June and where the flip the year has gone?)For me personally? It was only w