Stevie Says Social Podcast

❌ Productivity Keeps You Stuck Working 40 to 60-Hour Work Weeks (Here's What to Focus On Instead)



❌ Newsflash: Productivity is keeping you stuck on the "working all hours" hamster wheel. The definition of productivity is, quite literally, the amount of output you produce. The more you can fit into a day, the more "productive" you are. And as someone juggling a lot, achieving peak productivity used to feel like the holy grail for me. "If only I could learn how to get more things done!" I used to think, "I can finally reach my endgame and FINALLY start working less!" Sounds good in theory, buuuut... Here's what happened. I DID learn how to get more things done.In fact, I managed to achieve more in a week than just about anyone else I knew. And the BY PRODUCT of that? Is that I was then able to fit even MORE in... and so the hamster wheel continued, faster and faster and faster. Get more things done > Able to take on more things > Repeat. I never ended up working LESS, I was just getting way more DONE in the hours I worked. The more productive I was, the mor