Stevie Says Social Podcast

Attention is Currency: The Three C's of Standing Out in a Saturated Space



PRE PS Next week, my friend and client Alyce from Bossy. Copywriting is hosting a free training for small business owners ready to write STAND OUT copy and content. This training is for any product or service-based business owner, freelancer or side hustler that wants to get more attention, make more money and stop staring at the screen every time you need to write a caption! Register HERE.  IF YOU'RE NOT STANDING OUT, YOU'RE FITTING IN - AND FITTING IN IS VANILLA (when you verrrry much want to be Neapolitan with hundred and thousands). Different is good. Standing out is IT. And learning how to craft a brand that oozes personality and helps you sell things (plus stand out in the TIDAL WAVE of AI-SAME SAME content) is an ESSENTIAL skill for all business owners. (In fact, in my humble opinion? It's the secret sauce that makes EVERYTHING ELSE work). So, when I knew I needed to talk stand out copy with you all because I was seeing a DISTINCT lack of spark out there, wayyyyy too many AI crafted capt