Stevie Says Social Podcast

Planning Your Intentional Pause ⏸



Next week, I head to Europe for two and a half weeks. For one and a half of those at the start, I will still be working "in" the business. And for one (at the end), I will be completely off. I'm calling it the "pause". The semicolon. Not quite a full stop, but more? A re-set, re-alignment and re-examination. A time to stop and re-examine my old "yeses", and determine whether they still align today. Because that's all life is, isn't it? Our surroundings, circumstances, lives and businesses - all simply direct results of old "yeses" we committed to at some other time. And which may (or may not) still serve us. To do that requires space, and in my view? A change of circumstance, and of scenery. Something to jolt you enough OUT of the norm to intentionally consider whether that NORM actually still serves you. In this podcast episode, we discussed:✔️ My Pauses to Date✔️ A Pause Should Be a Necessary Prerequisite for Every New Season✔️ The Critical Importance o