Happiness Alchemy Podcast



Happiness Alchemy Podcast for Magical Women Craving Business, Life and Spiritual Growth with host Tracy Gaudet


  • 3 Keys To Divine Flow Of Soul Purpose

    18/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Join me as I discuss what Soul Purpose is and 3 keys to get you in the flow. If you are interested in the Crown Chakra Masterclass to go deeper you can find out more and enroll here http://tracygaudet.com/crown-chakra-masterclass/

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance For The Week Of April 16 2018

    16/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    More at tracygaudet.com Get access to the Sacred Library at HappinessAlchemy.com Keys to Keep in Mind This Week Allow self-compassion, love and understanding to completely envelop you this week. See what it feels like to look at life when you hold yourself and others in the highest regard. Get addicted to that. Dizzy from going around in circles and not seeing results? Step off the wheel, breathe into your heart and refocus on where you really want to go. Focus your manifesting skills this week by loving yourself and holding true to the end vision without attachment. Let the amazing things in your life grow and expand by asking with every blessing “How Can It Get Any Better Than This?” The Universe loves a good challenge!

  • Universal Law Of Cause And Effect And How To Make Positive Changes In Your Life

    11/04/2018 Duration: 08min

    More at tracygaudet.com Today on the Universal Laws spotlight is the law of cause and effect (aka law of causation) – which most are at least somewhat aware of. Some consider the Universal Law of Karma the same, but I will be coving that in another post. This law in the most simple form states that every action (or energy) has an equal and opposing reaction (or balancing energy) When we start to look at this law spiritually we see that each thought we think has a reaction as well. I want to look at it today through the lens of making positive changes that impact your life. (learn more about the Universal Law of Attention: http://tracygaudet.com/beyond-law-of-attraction-spotlight-on-the-universal-law-of-attention/

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of April 9

    09/04/2018 Duration: 09min

    More at tracygaudet.com Be mindful this week, it is your most powerful tool. We are in an action phase at this time, and this is usually when 'self-sabotage' mode kicks in for many of you who are stepping into your power and purpose. Be aware what your patterns of sabotage or protection are. Distractions, habits that don't support your Divinity, fear, procrastination, and doubt thinking. Being stationary when your body wants to move and flow. Starting arguments or just feeling slightly off and not moving forward are a few examples. Ask yourself this week, how am I protecting myself? Why am I hesitant/ avoiding moving forward and stepping into my power. Envoke the Goddess Kali this week and use your inner power and connection to the Earth to cast aside those lingering doubts. You have prepared much up to this point and it is time to call on your strength reserves. You have an immense store of power and perseverance at your disposal, connect within and call it up! The theme this week is to rise into your hear

  • Raising Your Prices As An Intuitive And Healer With Emily Aarons

    06/04/2018 Duration: 28min

    Raising Your Prices as an Intuitive and Healer with Emily Aarons, Intuitive Healer and Psychic Business Coach {Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 27} More at tracygaudet.com Find out more about Emily Aarons at emilyaarons.com

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of April 2nd

    02/04/2018 Duration: 13min

    More at tracygaudet.com Balance is a big key as well as discernment. Looking on the outside circumstance as well as looking within and finding a balance of what feeds you, what opens you to grow, and what no longer is in your highest good. There is a multitude of light this week from all angles that allow us to see things from a new perspective. A perspective that is more congruent with who we truly are, less time in the perspective of the victim, or the ‘I know better than you’ and more time in the perspective aligned to your Soul. That feels good in your body. That supports your evolution, your personal journey of enlightenment....

  • The Law Of Attention Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 25

    28/03/2018 Duration: 13min

    More at tracygaudet.com BASIC OF FEAR AND LOVE (PERSPECTIVE) Definition of Fear: lower vibration emotional frequencies that perpetuate suffering, separation and guilt, shame and hatred. Definition of Love: higher vibrational emotional frequencies that expand and encourage compassion, understanding, Unity and Divinity within all that is. Happiness, abundance, courage, determination, power, potential, awareness and activation of who you really are. Energy flows where attention goes according to perspective and resulting connection to emotion.

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 24

    26/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    More at tracygaudet.com Our guidance this week comes from a very simple stream bed. With many messages coming in to support you on your ascension journey back to who you truly are and the reality you wish to create in this life.

  • Deep Into The Energetics Of Your Soul Brand With Whitney Mullings Soul Brand Therapist and Shaman

    23/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    More at tracygaudet.com Today I am joined by Whitney Mullings, Soul Brand Therapist and Shaman and one of my absolute favorite Soul sisters. Whitney works with coaches and transformational leaders to align their soul brand and draw in their soul clients unconsciously.

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of March 19 Happiness Alchemy Podcast

    19/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    More at tracygaudet.com Watch out for animal guides this week as they will be helping you to focus on the present and handle what is immediately in front of you in a grounded, balanced way to avoid the often chaotic task of self-initiation. As we enter into Mercury retro midweek, we will already be feeling this energy on Monday. We are reminded of areas we have to heal and overcome and are working with the shadow this week plenty – but this doesn’t mean there is no time for fun – in fact, it is the exact opposite. Our animal guides this week are poking a little fun at our journey and asking that we lighten up, detach from the drama and remember the magic within us. It can be so easy to feel sorry for ourselves as we move through our shadow, feeling like gawd there must be something wrong with me why haven’t I yet managed to achieve x,y,z or how have I not changed my habits or stopped this pattern, why can’t I just figure it out already?? This week brings opportunity to do exactly that – figure things out fr

  • Connection To Your Truth & Self Acceptance With Author, Speaker & Self Love Coach Angela Barnard

    16/03/2018 Duration: 35min

    More at tracygaudet.com Today I am joined by Angela Barnard, Author, Speaker, Self-Love Coach and Soul Realignment practitioner, she helps her clients heal their past and embark on a journey of soul and self-discovery to fully inhabit and embody their lives. Her upcoming book, Letters from the Way, tells a story (in letterform) of her epic 900 km walk across Spain on The Camino de Santiago. Today Angela and I will be chatting about what it means to embody your truth and connect to who you really are. It’s all about Connection for Angela Barnard. Living a connected life in mind, body, and soul and helping her clients do the same. As an explorer soul, she has lived on four continents acquiring skills for both her personal and profession life. As a successful International Flavourist she had the privilege to develop flavours for some iconic food and beverage brands, but that whisper in her soul kept telling her THERE IS MORE! Today as an accredited Coach and Soul Realignment practitioner, she helps her clients

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of March 12 Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 19

    13/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    More at tracygaudet.com Ascension Awareness Guidance for Week of March 12th There has been a slight shift in my energy, and so the weekly forecasts posts are also shifting accordingly! Weekly forecast posts will still be created, but now I am working with a collective of guides known as the Ascension Awareness Collective to give insight and guidance on what is happening energetically and how to make the most of it on your journey. There won’t be cards to choose any longer, but I encourage you to tune into your own intuition as you read or listen to the Podcast to feel what reallyascension awareness guidance march 12 resonates as truth for you. Pay attention to that feeling. In focus this week are the third eye and heart chakras. We are being encouraged to look within to find the answers. To allow our hearts to attune to the vibration of peace and expansion and with that allow a clear vision of what is possible for us to form.

  • Energetic Marketing With Polly Hearsey

    09/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    More at tracygaudet.com Today on the Happiness Alchemy Podcast I am joined Polly Hearsey an absolute marketing genius. I was blown away at the accuracy and simplicity of Polly's Element Mapping and work with energetic marketing. Listen as we chat about the cycle of creation and energetic marketing and how it can help to align your marketing and business. Polly Hearsey is the creator of Energetic Marketing, a process that turns conventional marketing on its head and brings the increasingly fast-paced automated world online marketing back to what really matters. YOU. Polly is busy carving out a new pattern of marketing that heals the disconnect between the intent of marketing and the implementation. Marketing is an amazing gift and opportunity. It has soul, creativity and magic coursing through its veins. Energetic Marketing catalyses change through the expression of individual essence in the design and communication of passion and purpose. Polly works with her clients to create unique, innovative models tha

  • The Ultimate Higher Education Earth And 5 Ways To Be a Great Student

    07/03/2018 Duration: 16min

    More at tracygaudet.com With the viewpoint that Earth is a great teacher, that assembles and prepares lessons that continue our growth and evolution, I want to take a closer look today at this education system and how we can excel in this learning environment. Considering that each person has his/her own unique perspective and way of seeing the world, it is no wonder that no two journeys or lesson plans are never the same. This variety can sometimes create the illusion that we are separate but in reality our learning and expansion effect the entire collective. With this in mind, it is more important now than ever to honor this Higher Education School of Earth and apply what we have learned. So what exactly am I talking about? How do we honor and excel in this school? I want to highlight 5 ways that we can consciously participate in this amazing, Divine school. We feel. We pay attention. We question. We get to know and understand our own powers. We take responsibility.

  • Intuitive Energy Forecast For The Week Of March 4 To10 Happiness Alchemy Podcast

    05/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    More at tracygaudet.com Week of March 4th, 2018: March is coming in with a clear, beautiful energy that is expanding us into our potential. For most of us in pretty intense ways! You may have been noticing heavy, confusing, uneasy emotions with the Full Moon and continuing on into this week as we move to integrate the higher vibrational changes into our life. When we ask to serve at a higher level, to come the best version of ourselves the Universe will always provide an opportunity for just that. This may mean that you have a lot of ‘stuff’ coming up. This is part of the process and one that assures you as you face it, process it and move it you are setting yourself up for a new and improved reality. To work with the energy this week it is important to take care of your physical body. It may need more water, a cleaner diet, a lighter diet, more movement, more rest, more grounding. Tune into your own body and ask for assistance from Archangel Raphael, as you connect to your heart and give permission for Rap

  • 3 Easy Tricks To Make Money Easy And Fun with Jennifer MacFarlane, The Money Medium

    02/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    For more visit tracygaudet.com Listen to today's podcast as I chat with the Money Medium, Jennifer MacFarlane and grab your pen and paper as she shares some creative, fun and high vibrational ideas to attract money. Jennifer MacFarlane is an international bestselling author, transformational money mindset and abundant life mentor, spiritual alchemist and summit leader. Jen has a magical way of aligning people with their destiny. Over the last twenty years she has obtained certificates in Yoga, Meditation And Hypnosis. From a very young age, Jennifer has had a calling to understand the connection between the mind and how it creates our reality. She has herself experienced the transformation that understanding the power of one's owns thoughts and habits can bring and wishes to help others experience the same expansion on their journey of awakening. Jennifer helps people from all over the world create a deeper connection with themselves and life they were born to live through her business @ WWW.THEMONEYMEDIUM.

  • Full Moon Magic Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 14

    28/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    Visit happienssalchemy.com to access the guided meditation and ceremony PDF. In today’s special episode, I go over some magical ceremonies that are ideal to complete at the Full Moon. Working with the moons cycles is a grounding and spiritually expansive practice that connects you back to your cyclical nature, to your natural rhythm. The moon has a very close relationship t the water and to tides and so to us with so much of our body being made up of water. It’s no surprise that emotions run high with the Full Moon, but as we become self-aware we understand that it is in fact illuminating what we have pushed down inside, what we are ready to release and what gifts we are ready to bring forth. The Full Moon is an amazing time to connect to your intuition, get psychic insight and make habitual changes to propel your life forward. Today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite aspects for working with the Full Moon so you can craft a ritual that feeds your soul and creates happiness alchemy. The reas

  • Happiness Alchemy Energy Forecast Week Of February 25 2018

    25/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    More at tracygaudet.com Week of February 25th, 2018: Archangel Guidance is still on high priority this week, but with the Earthy Full Moon near the end of the week, our animal guides are coming in to help us really ground these lessons and move forward. So we have our Druid animals with the forecast and then some specific angels coming in to direct you how to apply this wisdom to your life. The Archangels are still very nearby and chances are you are hearing their whispers, wanting to get quiet time or hearing a bit of ringing in your ears. On to the spirit animals that came up this week. Interestingly all 3 are B animals. It seems they are helping to usher in March, and transition from balance and service into inspiration and expression. The Bee, the Bull and the Blackbird are coming in with their messages for what to expect this week and how to navigate the energy as the energy this week will shift and change quite a bit from Sunday – Saturday! Much of this is still in keeping with the theme of purpose a

  • Shamanic Painting A New Approach To Energy Healing And Activation

    23/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    Today on the Happiness Alchemy Podcast I am joined by Dora Rodrigues, the Shaman Paintress. Dora is a truly beautiful Divine creative inspiration and an amazing artist. Dora’s art, oracle cards, power portraits and more are truly shamanic journeys, which bring back stories and healing. She creates art that you can meditate on, journal from, ponder what you see to bring about shifts, healing, insight, empowerment and more! Her creations are channel-created, to help women find their authentic soul self, deep peace and happiness and to tap into their inner power! To connect with Dora join her Facebook group here or visit her website here to learn more and contact her to register for a class.

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