Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Full Moon Magic Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 14



Visit happienssalchemy.com to access the guided meditation and ceremony PDF. In today’s special episode, I go over some magical ceremonies that are ideal to complete at the Full Moon. Working with the moons cycles is a grounding and spiritually expansive practice that connects you back to your cyclical nature, to your natural rhythm. The moon has a very close relationship t the water and to tides and so to us with so much of our body being made up of water. It’s no surprise that emotions run high with the Full Moon, but as we become self-aware we understand that it is in fact illuminating what we have pushed down inside, what we are ready to release and what gifts we are ready to bring forth. The Full Moon is an amazing time to connect to your intuition, get psychic insight and make habitual changes to propel your life forward. Today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite aspects for working with the Full Moon so you can craft a ritual that feeds your soul and creates happiness alchemy. The reas