Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of March 19 Happiness Alchemy Podcast



More at tracygaudet.com Watch out for animal guides this week as they will be helping you to focus on the present and handle what is immediately in front of you in a grounded, balanced way to avoid the often chaotic task of self-initiation. As we enter into Mercury retro midweek, we will already be feeling this energy on Monday. We are reminded of areas we have to heal and overcome and are working with the shadow this week plenty – but this doesn’t mean there is no time for fun – in fact, it is the exact opposite. Our animal guides this week are poking a little fun at our journey and asking that we lighten up, detach from the drama and remember the magic within us. It can be so easy to feel sorry for ourselves as we move through our shadow, feeling like gawd there must be something wrong with me why haven’t I yet managed to achieve x,y,z or how have I not changed my habits or stopped this pattern, why can’t I just figure it out already?? This week brings opportunity to do exactly that – figure things out fr