Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of April 9



More at tracygaudet.com Be mindful this week, it is your most powerful tool. We are in an action phase at this time, and this is usually when 'self-sabotage' mode kicks in for many of you who are stepping into your power and purpose. Be aware what your patterns of sabotage or protection are. Distractions, habits that don't support your Divinity, fear, procrastination, and doubt thinking. Being stationary when your body wants to move and flow. Starting arguments or just feeling slightly off and not moving forward are a few examples. Ask yourself this week, how am I protecting myself? Why am I hesitant/ avoiding moving forward and stepping into my power. Envoke the Goddess Kali this week and use your inner power and connection to the Earth to cast aside those lingering doubts. You have prepared much up to this point and it is time to call on your strength reserves. You have an immense store of power and perseverance at your disposal, connect within and call it up! The theme this week is to rise into your hear