Happiness Alchemy Podcast

3 Easy Tricks To Make Money Easy And Fun with Jennifer MacFarlane, The Money Medium



For more visit tracygaudet.com Listen to today's podcast as I chat with the Money Medium, Jennifer MacFarlane and grab your pen and paper as she shares some creative, fun and high vibrational ideas to attract money. Jennifer MacFarlane is an international bestselling author, transformational money mindset and abundant life mentor, spiritual alchemist and summit leader. Jen has a magical way of aligning people with their destiny. Over the last twenty years she has obtained certificates in Yoga, Meditation And Hypnosis. From a very young age, Jennifer has had a calling to understand the connection between the mind and how it creates our reality. She has herself experienced the transformation that understanding the power of one's owns thoughts and habits can bring and wishes to help others experience the same expansion on their journey of awakening. Jennifer helps people from all over the world create a deeper connection with themselves and life they were born to live through her business @ WWW.THEMONEYMEDIUM.