Happiness Alchemy Podcast



Happiness Alchemy Podcast for Magical Women Craving Business, Life and Spiritual Growth with host Tracy Gaudet


  • When You Are Spiritual But Your Significant Other Is Not Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 11

    20/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    How to navigate when you are spiritual AF but your significant other is not havin it {Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 11} When you are on your spiritual journey and you’re really starting to ‘get it’ it can seem crazy that not everyone is into this stuff! Especially when you are with someone a large portion of your time, or you highly value their opinion this can be an interesting thing to navigate. On top of that as you become aware of the law of attraction and other universal laws you may become concerned that someone’s negative outlook or similar will have a limiting effect on your life. Today I am sharing my best tips to deal when you are spiritual AF but your significant other is just not havin it. More at tracygaudet.com

  • Soul Happiness Alchemy Forcast Week Of February 18 2018

    18/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    More at tracygaudet.com Week of February 18th, 2018: We have the Archangels very close again this week with Sandalphon, Haniel and Gabriel coming in with messages on what to expect this week and how to navigate the energy to move towards your highest potential and Soul happiness. This is also the week after our powerful New Moon Eclipse and welcoming in the year of the Earth Dog too! For many of you this is the shift you’ve been waiting for! Sandalphon and Haniel are working together on this, for those of you moving forward, listening to your intuition, but feeling like you’re not really getting anywhere hold tight things are in the works. Keep your focus on your passion and what you are birthing and creating right now. Know this week that you deserve your victory and if you are feeling a twinge of self-defeat, self-doubt, unsure of your worthiness or deserving – take time to feel it and let it go. That is not yours to carry in the year of the dog. You’ve put your work in and now as you believe in yoursel

  • Sacred Feminine Leadership With Antonina Andreeva Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 9

    16/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Join me as I discuss with Antonia the amazing gift of our feminine power, why we've ignored it, how to reclaim it and why it is so important that we do!  Antonina Andreeva is a Soul DNA Coach and Mentor & the Founder of Sacred Feminine Leadership Academy. A global platform for women who are ready to reclaim their Wealth, Power and Magic...The Feminine Way. Antonina believes that much of what we’ve been taught about Feminine is somewhat one-sided and is committed to educating women about the true essence of Feminine Power: An ability to be both - objectively intelligent AND psychically intuitive. Ability to reach to the very depth of an emotion, access healing energy, activate erotic intelligence and ability to create & manifest reality through desire alone. Antonina is launching a one-of-kind immersive experience for Feminine Leaders who are called to the forefront right now. A high touch, high value, bespoke journey with a travel element is an invitation-only experience. Apply to learn more if you're f

  • Getting Things Done Pressure VS Surrender Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 8

    14/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    TRACYGAUDET.COM/LOVE for the free guided meditation. When things need to get accomplished we can choose from multiple paths to get them done. Today on the podcast I'm looking at getting things done from a place of pressure vs a place of surrender. When we work from a place of pressure consistently we tend to say and think things like I need to, I have to, I should. We tend to feel the energy of obligation, guilt and even anxiety as our desire for perfection is pushing us. It can also bring on the energy of fear and not enough. This is a masculine energy of pushing forward and while it is amazing in short spurts, trying to live daily from this energy can totally overload our bodies with stress hormones to the point of feeling burnt out and overworked. When we work from a place of surrender we tend to say and think things like I am open, I am co-creating. We tend to be in the energy of love, trust, expansion and focused on the present. This is a feminine energy and not super comfortable for many of is - so it

  • Energy Forecast Week Of February 11th 2018 Happiness Alchemy Podcast

    11/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    Show notes, more on tracygaudet.com Week of February 11th, 2018: Animal guides came up today, with a powerful energy rolling in this week as we navigate this New Moon week. Beautiful, empowering energy coming through these 2 creatures this week one flows around the mountain and the others climb up intuitively with grace and ease. With the 2 wisdom creatures coming in reversed today they do have important reminders to share with us. If you find yourself feeling some resistance towards others or new opportunities or circumstance (it may just be a twinge that you push down since you’re ultra-spiritual) pay attention to this. With the New Moon this week you have the opportunity to choose a new path, a new story. It’s the difference between trying so hard that you actually create resistance and following your intuitive flow and cycles for maximum output with minimal effort. This can also show up when you’re giving your power away. Let me give you a few examples, but preface it by saying that ultimately you are

  • Energy Healing For Weight Loss And Self Love With Intuitive Holistic Healer Caroline Nixon

    09/02/2018 Duration: 26min

    Listen as I am joined by Caroline Nixon an absolutely magical healer, teacher and author with an amazing sense of humor to balance out the sacred work she does. Caroline uses her 20 years of experience in all things holistic to help women reclaim their health and lose weight with way more ease, flow and of course joy!! We chat about healing weight loss, getting to the root of the issue and the balance of humor and healing.  Learn more about Caroline here: Caroline is a healer and teacher with over 20 years experience in the holistic field. She began her journey as a Massage Therapist, a Hypnotist and an Aromatherapist. From a very young age she had a deep spiritual connection and an awareness of energy and her healing gifts and has devoted her life to expanding these gifts and sharing them with others. She is a Reiki Master, Akashic Records reader and a powerful intuitive. Caroline is also published author of two amazing books, A Mom’s Guide to Sanity and The Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny Guide to Life. Carol

  • Shifting Your Perspective On Moving Forward Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 5

    07/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    Show Notes: I was guided to share this message with you this week. So many of us feel like we are taking steps backward. Feeling like we are wanting to move forward but feel resistance come up. This is fabulous! This is an indication of progress. I'm going to give you some visuals to work with this week: Visual number 1. We often think that out path in linear like we are moving only forwards or backward when the pathway to our desires is actually up. For a few steps we do go forward then as the resistance come in to balance we feel like we are going backwards when in reality we are still moving up but have to deal with the shadow side. This can show up as when we are trying to manifest money and start to open up and examine our shadow, the subconscious side we notice 'triggers' or things that make us uncomfortable come up. Again this is a great sign that you are shaking things up. This is the feeling of 'backward' steps, but like I said it is actually your invitation to release that old program and make a

  • Intuitive Energy Forecast The Week Of February 4 2018 Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 4

    04/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    Week of February 4th, 2018: Many of us have set intentions at some point in 2018, and this week the energies are encouraging us to be open to accept them. The Archangels took over the reading this week with lots to share about how to best utilize the energy this week. Raphael, Sandalphon and Uriel all came up as very close to Earth this week. Sending messages and signs to get you expanding on your path (many of you are doing simply amazing at this and are encouraged to keep going!) As you work with your own ascension and expansion energy you’ll notice that you’re becoming more sensitive and that your body is craving more rest, healthy foods and lots of water. This is a great sign, of your own growth and of your spiritual awareness and sensitivity opening up further. Honor this, and ask your body what it needs to feel supported. Our bodies have a wisdom of their own and when you tune in and listen you’ll understand how to best support yourself. This is also a great week if you have been considering getting

  • 3 Keys To Money Miracles Beyond The Law Of Attraction

    30/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    There has been no shortage of press in the last decade on the law of attraction. All of this attention on one of the Universal laws is fantastic but very much incomplete with most of the information being shared with the public. Many of us are being told to think positive, visualize what you want to achieve and allow it to come to fruition, and many of us are also getting frustrated with this. Wondering why it appears to be working for others, but not so much for us. There are 3 key areas I want to look at today that help to pain more of this picture for you and help you create money miracles in your own life. #1 > Beliefs play a huge role, as do subconscious beliefs aka the shadow While you might be saying and thinking I am a magnet to money, your body and energy are screaming “I can’t afford that”, “I don’t deserve that much”, “money is for other people not me”, “I feel shame around the amount of debt I have”. #2 > Connection to your intuition is of paramount importance The Universe is flowing things to

  • Energy Forecast Jan 28 To Feb 3 2018

    28/01/2018 Duration: 15min

    Energy forecast for the week of January 28 to February 3 2018. A weekly outlook and intuitive pick guidance on how to best work with the energy of the week and what to expect with Tracy Gaudet Intuitive Happiness Coach. Visit tracygaudet.com or subscribe to the Happiness Alchemy Podcast on iTunes.

  • What is Happiness Alchemy?

    25/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    What is Happiness Alchemy? by TRACY GAUDET

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