Happiness Alchemy Podcast



Happiness Alchemy Podcast for Magical Women Craving Business, Life and Spiritual Growth with host Tracy Gaudet


  • Ascension Awareness Forecast For The Week Of October 22, 2018

    22/10/2018 Duration: 06min

    more at tracygaudet.com

  • Unconditional Love And Other People’s Sh*&

    17/10/2018 Duration: 09min

    more at tracygaudet.com

  • Self Love And Care With Joyful Goddess, Speaker, Healer And Coach Laura McPhee

    16/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    More at tracygaudet.com Today I am joined by Laura McPhee, Joyful Goddess, Speaker, Healer & Coach. Laura loves to empower women to live their dream happy lives by truly loving themselves and letting go of what's been holding them back, including the little voice that tells them they're not good enough. Laura is a certified ThetaHealer® and Master Reiki Practitioner. She uses her knowledge from the Strategic Intervention Core 100 Training Program from Robbins Madanes Training along with her intuition to provide you with practical tools, strategies & steps to achieve greater happiness, success, and better relationships. She is passionate about being the best version of herself and helping you do the same! Connect with Laura! Website is http://www.coachlauramcphee.com/ Facebook Profile is www.facebook.com/laura.m.mcphee Facebook Page is www.facebook.com/CoachLauraMcPhee Facebook Group is Be Your Best Self! https://www.facebook.com/groups/724897994329384/

  • Ascension Awareness October 15 2018

    15/10/2018 Duration: 06min

    Ascension Awareness October 15 2018, more at tracygaudet.com. To learn more about Rescue Goddess visit rescuegoddess.com

  • Compassion For Wounded Masculine

    03/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    Compassion for the Wounded Masculine There is no doubt we are in a time where darkness is coming to light, where the thousands of years of patriarchy and trauma associated are breaking. We see this in everyday life, in the media, and in our own lives. This wounded masculine that we are witnessing is processing, just like you are processing out of old versions of yourself in order to step more fully into your potential and Soul fulfillment. This time of seeming darkness can be tricky to cope with and brings up so many emotions that it can be hard to find your center through all of this. Every single one of us contains both feminine and masculine energy and so as we navigate these waters it is important to remember that compassion above all else is what will light the path to our highest transformation. More at tracygaudet.com

  • The Unapologetic Voice With Spiritual Mentor And Storyteller Coach Carrie Severson

    20/07/2018 Duration: 30min

    More at tracygaudet.com and carrieseverson.com Today I am joined by Carrie Severson, Spiritual Mentor and Storyteller Coach for women. Carrie has a background in journalism, public relations and marketing and has been on a deep spiritual quest for more than a decade. She blends her storytelling gift and spiritual experience as she works with women in one-on-one coaching, group programs or online storytelling courses she’s created. Carrie has delivered more than 100 speeches in her career as an entrepreneur in front of hundreds of leaders and has been published nearly 1,000 times in newspapers, magazines and online media outlets. Her mission has always been to help women share their stories. With 20 years in the publishing industry, Carrie is masterful at bringing stories to light. She uses her intuitive skills to create powerful, positive, impactful stories and works with clients around the world to do the same.

  • Feeling In The Dark New Moon Guidance For July 2018

    12/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    More details at tracygaudet.com and learn more about Soul Alchemy Group Coaching here: http://tracygaudet.com/align-to-soul-summer-blockbuster-group-coaching/ While it may feel like you are lost like there is no clear path forward. You have been planted. A seed doesn’t necessarily know how it is going to grow, it focuses moment by moment...

  • Our Soul Adventure In The Game Of Life With Lorree Appleby

    06/07/2018 Duration: 32min

    More at tracygaudet.com Lorree is the founder of Our Purposeful Journey and a heart-leading Detective of the Soul, (her fun title. ;)) After losing her identity from years of people pleasing, Lorree Appleby took responsibility for her life and a risk by exploring her spirituality and entrepreneurship. Years of researching, training and massive personal growth led Lorree to radically forgiving her past and taking her power back in her present. Her journey to finding her truth led her to helping others do the same by educating and guiding them to open and heal their hearts and live with expanded awareness and soul purpose in a gentle and gradual way. Personally trained by Colin Tipping, Founder and Director of the Institute for Radical Forgiveness, Inc., Lorree is a Certified Radical Living Master Coach, Speaker, Author and creator of the transformational, self-help game, Soul Adventure- Journey to the Real Me! Her vision for the world is for no one to be living in fear or as someone they are not. For each o

  • Ascension Awarenss Guidance Ascended Perspective And Expansion

    25/06/2018 Duration: 06min

    more at tracygaudet.com The rest of June has a lot of life left in it, and we are being guided to take advantage of that and spiral out our desires and attraction with the Full Moon this week.

  • Holding Yourself To A Standard That Blocks You From Sharing Your Unique, Gifts, Talents + Abilities

    15/06/2018 Duration: 30min

    more at tracygaudet.com & tracyneely.com Today I am joined by Tracy Neely, the founder and creator of Mindset Alchemy®. Tracy is an Intuitive Healer and Mindset Alchemist, she combines her psychic ability and energy healing with her experience in intuitive mindset coaching to support women entrepreneurs through healing their self-limiting beliefs, connecting with their gifts and intuitive power, and breaking through to their next level of success in their business doing what they love. Today we will be discussing one of the themes running rampant through the entrepreneur community, holding yourself to a standard that blocks you from sharing your unique, gifts, talents and abilities.

  • Get Your Perspective on Straight! Ascension Awareness New Moon Guidance June 2018

    11/06/2018 Duration: 07min

    more at tracygaudet.com and happinessalchemy.com We are in for an interesting few months as the New Moon energy will be amplified almost continually throughout. We have amazing opportunities and doorways opening all around so aligning with a higher perspective is everything at this time...

  • Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries With Tracy Gromen, Self Mastery Coach And Healer

    01/06/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    More at tracygaudet.com Today I am joined by Tracy Gromen, Self Mastery Coach & Healer. Tracy helps women create freedom in their lives, confidently expand into their desired way of life as they heal and release the unconscious negative beliefs that have kept them weighed down. Tracy teaches women how to embrace their R.I.S.E. - Radiant Inspired Self Empowerment and live that R.I.S.E. every day. Learn more about Tracy and sign up for her free gifts here at tracygromen.net

  • Ascension Awareness Full Moon Guidance

    29/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    More at tracygaudet.com Awakening, Reconnecting, Refreshing, Rejunevation, Understanding. These are the theme energies coming through with this week’s Full Moon. We are as ever, encouraged to flow. Encouraged to release. To look within, to dive into the emotions that are happening within and release the heaviness to welcome in the quiet restorative energy of understanding.

  • First BE And Then Do The Path Of Least Resistance

    23/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    More at tracygaudet.com If there are certain areas of your life that feel like they are not budging this is for you. We are powerful co-creators yet we often give all the props to our actions and leave our Be-ingness out of the equation. This is a reminder to focus first on your BEing and then on your action. Aligning your BEing is nothing new, but when we continue to take action when we are in the energy of lack, fear, self-doubt etc and keep feeling stuck at the same leg of our path we need this reminder.

  • 365 Days Of Happiness With Jacqueline Pirtle

    18/05/2018 Duration: 46min

    More at tracygaudet.com and freakyhealer.com

  • The Emerging Butterfly Exercise For Embodied Transformation

    16/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    More at tracygaudet.com In my last post I talked about finally moving out of this stage of gestation of who we want to become and becoming. In order for this process to continue, we must flow forward from a place of solid ground and personal power. We must make the conscious choice to emerge. To assist with this process tune into your I AM.

  • New Moon Gelatinous Ascension Awareness Collective Guidance

    15/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    More at tracygaudet.com If you have been feeling gelatinous in 2018,  like a caterpillar who created a cacoon and is committed to growth and expansion and flow yet you feel you've been in this gelatinous incubation phase for quite a while then this time - RIGHT NOW is YOUR TIME.

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Puzzle Pieces And 90s Typing Programs

    07/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    More at tracygaudet.com By the way, often these are weekly forecasts but this one feel much more like a 3-4 day timeframe with more information being revealed as it comes up. The visuals that came through with this energy was like a 90’s learn to type program mixed with highlighting puzzle pieces that are coming back together for your discernment. So we are putting the pieces of the puzzle together with a 90’s software that allows you to learn speed and accuracy especially as it related to communication and communication of heart and Soul. This may sound a little out there, but you are very much figuring out a puzzle in 2018. This puzzle can only be solved with your heart, not with strategic thinking alone so it is a big shift for many people.

  • Ascension Awareness Guidance Week Of April 23 Happiness Alchemy Podcast

    23/04/2018 Duration: 13min

    More at TracyGaudet.com Keys to keep in mind this week: Take inventory of your priorities, allow your heart to guide you to the areas in highest need of your attention and release the areas no longer requiring your focus. Do not allow a false sense of isolation and confusion to cut you off from your direct connection to your greatness. Hold on to the threads of greatness that you do see and focus on them to flow back to your true nature. The energy we are working with this week is full of plot twists, ups, and downs and encourages us to connect within and find peace there. Understand you are on a journey, each step is important to the whole, and each step also passes. Remember your inner guidance system is always recalibrating and know the best path for you.

  • Heartache To Blessings, Radhaa Nilia Author, Teacher & Founder Of The Goddess Code Academy®

    20/04/2018 Duration: 37min

    More at tracygaudet.com Radhaa is an intuitive teacher, international coach, forward-thinking leader, author, and motivational speaker on feminine empowerment. As the Founder of Goddess Code Academy™ a mystical school for the divine feminine. Her mission and vision of serving women through holistic education and empowerment. Radhaa leads online programs, international retreats, and Goddess Activations™ training. Radhaa is the original creatress behind the Goddess Activations™ healing modality. A healing method used to Awaken and Activate Goddess Codes™ which help clear negative beliefs, blockages and lineage wounds and awaken the feminine gifts and heal their heart and soul wounds. For more information about Radhaa, her Academy, courses, and events, please visit www.goddesscodeacademy.com

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