Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Energetic Marketing With Polly Hearsey



More at tracygaudet.com Today on the Happiness Alchemy Podcast I am joined Polly Hearsey an absolute marketing genius. I was blown away at the accuracy and simplicity of Polly's Element Mapping and work with energetic marketing. Listen as we chat about the cycle of creation and energetic marketing and how it can help to align your marketing and business. Polly Hearsey is the creator of Energetic Marketing, a process that turns conventional marketing on its head and brings the increasingly fast-paced automated world online marketing back to what really matters. YOU. Polly is busy carving out a new pattern of marketing that heals the disconnect between the intent of marketing and the implementation. Marketing is an amazing gift and opportunity. It has soul, creativity and magic coursing through its veins. Energetic Marketing catalyses change through the expression of individual essence in the design and communication of passion and purpose. Polly works with her clients to create unique, innovative models tha