Empowered Love Radio

Clarifying No Contact - The Common Pitfalls That Keep Us Hooked



Anyone that has experienced narcissistic abuse, knows the feeling like black ink and ice running through your veins, when enmeshed with a narcissist. If you don’t achieve No Contact it is like being continually poisoned whilst trying to detox from the poison that is making you so sick. It’s very, very difficult to get well when you are constantly tied up in the battle of trying to survive the onslaughts of narcissistic abuse. Sadly, no contact is often misunderstood, and even when you having “physically” broken contact, there still could be other ties that are unknowingly stunting your ability to recover and get well.  So ... I wanted to clarify exactly what No Contact means and address the common mistakes, to ensure you are not still tied to the narcissist in any way. This allows you to move forward in your recovery, transcend from the cycle of abuse and ultimately Thrive.  Have a question? Share it on our blog: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/clarifying-no-contact-the-common-pitfalls-that-keep-us-hook