Empowered Love Radio

Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse #28 Mike And Catsby



Mike and Catsby are not only in a relationship – they are in a connected, expansive relationship which I call an “evolutionary relationship”. Meaning a soul-mate relationship – one where once we have mated our own soul – a true soul mate can enter our life. This is the ultimate goal of love relationship, and Mike and Catsby share intimately how to achieve it. How, by reaching a certain level of love and connection within yourself, this radiates out into the world and creates the physical manifestation of that love. The showing up of a partner – who with together you can share and generate ease, trust, authenticity and continual positive growth and expansion with. To join Mike and Catsby and become a part of the NARP family go here for the details: www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp Show notes: Altruistic narcissist article: http://blog.mel