Empowered Love Radio

What To Do When Your Family And Friends Don’t Support You



There are many things that are excruciatingly difficult when suffering from narcissistic abuse. One of them commonly being that people close to you seem to have no understanding of the soul rape that you are going through. Often adding insult to injury, people close to you might believe that you are the person who is disturbed and not well, and even making stuff up … Because the accusations you make seem so far away from the “perfect” model person that they portray to everyone else. It has been said before – and it is very true – that narcissist’s have the ability to be street angels/ home devils – and can be very capable of consummate acting that has people turning against you and siding with them. All of this only adds to your feelings of aloneness, not being supported and desperately trying to get people to understand and help you with what you are going through. And despite all your desperate pleas to people to “get” what is happening to you, the more you appeal to them, the less people get it. Let’