Empowered Love Radio

A Deeper Look At Idolise, Devalue, Discard - Part 2



In Part 2 we will be covering in depth ... How the cycles of idolise, devalue, discard can also affect "normal" relationships (just as a different dynamic and level of intensity). As well as ... How to become up-levelled to a state where a narcissist has nothing left to gain from you and ceases to be able to extract narcissistic supply from you. I also explain how even after you have created No Contact it can seem like the narcissist is still attacking you – psychically. I share how virtually everyone who has been narcissistically abused experiences this and how you can break free from it.  And finally this article covers how to transcend from powerlessness to powerfulness where you no longer feel any feelings of being hooked in, and how you can break free without the trauma of despair, obsession, regret or pain.