Empowered Love Radio

Why Doesn't The Narcissist Care About Me - Part 1



This question has been coming up so much in the Community lately, and it is certainly always a really big theme in the Private Facebook 3 Keys Groups. It is one of the most invasive reasons why people can stay hooked to narcissists and keep breaking No Contact, because they are trying to stop the agony of not feeling cared for, and can’t stop trying to make the narcissist care for them … Or they give in to the massive emotional relief when the narcissist, after atrocious behaviour, hoovers and makes signs of caring for them. What this article series is about, is a deep look into why the narcissist does not have the resources "to care" and how we can overcome the trauma and devastation of that. To join in the conversation please visit the blog article: http://blog.melanietoniaevans.com/why-doesnt-the-narcissist-care-about-me-part-1/