Empowered Couples



Ignite your day with inspiring and authentic interviews with EmPowered Couples that will help you design your own version of what it means to be an Empowered couple. We believe that we can all be thriving physically, financially and spiritually while strengthening our partnership.We are honored to be your hosts, The Freemans, we are authors of the book The New Power Couple, speakers, and Social Entrepreneurs. Alright, here we go.


  • 3 Essential Traits For Being A Great Spouse : The Freemans Mini Chat

    12/02/2020 Duration: 24min

    You desire to be a GREAT partner, not just an okay partner! But in the modern world, there are a lot of pressures and stressors that can distract you from the most essential ingredients to being a great spouse. That’s why this episode includes just THREE that you can focus on mastering for the coming months….so that you can step UP your game as a partner! Today you will hear how to be an even better partner through developing these essential traits: Follow-through (doing what you say you will) Emotional Intelligence (taking responsibility for your emotions) Listening for the positive intent (set aside your filter) Other resources: Get a FREE hard copy of the book The New Power Couple (just cover shipping) and join the Power Couple Book Club!  Follow us on Instagram

  • He Wants To Arrive Early, While She’s Running Late: Cory + Jessica (He Said/She Said On Time Management)

    05/02/2020 Duration: 31min

    Welcome to this new game show type episode called “He Said/She Said”! In this type of episode, on the Empowered Couples podcast, you will laugh, be entertained, and relate to this couple as they find out how they see things differently in their marriage even when they love each other, live together, and have been together for years.  No matter how well you think you know your partner, you can see things differently AND often don’t even realize! (remember the newlywed game, yup it’s going to be like that!) In this “Game Show” episode you will learn from the answers this couple gives on the area of ‘Time Management’. You will know that some places where your partner experiences anxiety are from not wanting to disappoint you. And that though you have different behaviors (like around time management) you can still have the same experiences. You will have ways to change your perception of time for yourself and your partner. You will feel inspired by your differences and that time is limitless.   Individual Game Sh

  • Why Saying Nothing Hurts As Much As Yelling When You Get Mad At Your Partner: Aaron Freeman

    29/01/2020 Duration: 18min

    In this episode you will learn just why holding a frustration in by saying nothing, hurts just as much (or even more in the long run) as reacting and getting angry at your partner. This short episode by Aaron is specifically in those moments when men ‘shut down’, hold emotion in, and withdraw; without saying anything to their partner, when they get angry.  WOMEN: in moments like these you feel isolated, shut out, you don’t know what is going on with your partner. Plus even when there is not an argument happening, this has you feel like you just don’t know as much about what’s happening internally for your spouse. You want to know more about them as you live your life and relationships together, and you feel you just can’t break into truly knowing them. MEN: This is such a pattern that we all default to, and we even think ‘is for the best’. Of course when you think of it, not saying anything when you get mad, certainly is better than the alternative of yelling in anger. Sometimes you may even want them to than

  • Driven Couples! Keep From Bulldozing Each Other & Modernize Your Relationship Roles: Angie Lee + Clay

    22/01/2020 Duration: 45min

    Every couple needs to hear this in 2020. Why you might ask? Well you are a modern, driven couple and with that drive it’s so easy to ‘bulldoze’ your partner with your ideas, energy, decision making, and just being a boss in your own life. Yet that doesn’t always lead to a collaborative relationship. Today you’ll meet Angie Lee & Clay Hebert. These two not only have modern relationship wisdom to share, but they also are powerhouses in their own respective business! Their stories will show you how you can be powerful and driven in your profession/business AND be a supportive, encouraging, and present partner when that’s what the relationship calls for!  In this episode you will: Know ways to not bulldoze each other or get into power struggles. Have the most effective and modern ways to communicate, bring humor, lead, and look at relationship roles to best serve the relationship in any situation.  Feel ready and confident to take on the world as a POWER COUPLE! Questions Asked In this Interview: Both of you

  • 4 Money Must-Do’s For The Most Abundant 2020 As A Couple: The Freemans Mini Chat

    15/01/2020 Duration: 24min

    This new year of 2020 is your year to have a breakthrough financially- both in your mindset AND wealth created as a couple! In this chat with The Freemans, you will hear some real-talk and real examples of how you can generate money out of thin air, create space for money to circulate to you, and know that you don’t have to just rely on one or two income streams anymore! The times are changing with money, so you’ll want to hear this episode and what you can do as a couple. In this episode, you will: Know: why it’s important to think differently about money in 2020 Have: 4 must-do’s for your money this year Feel: fired up for a breakthrough and new energy around money!  Other resources: 1) Get $50 OFF the Money Course for Couples that you can listen to on-the go. Use coupon code: money2020 (all together) 2) Follow us on Instagram

  • He Wants Time To Process, She Wants To Talk About It Now: Gretchen + Mike "He Said/ She Said On Communication"

    08/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    Welcome to this new game show type episode called “HE Said/SHE Said”! In this type of episode, on the Empowered Couples podcast, you will laugh, be entertained, and relate to this couple as they find out how they see things differently in their marriage even when they love each other, live together, and have been together for years.  No matter how well you think you know your partner, you can see things differently AND often don’t even realize! (remember the newlywed game, yup it’s going to be like that!) In This Episode: You will meet Gretchen and Mike from Minnesota, who have been married for 13 years. They have decided to explore the area of communication within their relationship, as it’s an area that they experience having bigger differences. They are willing to individually be asked the same questions around communication to then be surprised by how each answered these questions whether it be the same or surprisingly different. Welcome to the show “He Said/She Said”!  **Disclaimer: we by no means intend

  • 3 Types Of Goals To Set For An Epic Year As A Power Couple: Freemans Mini Episode 64

    25/12/2019 Duration: 20min

    **This will be one of the most important podcast episodes you ever listen to as a couple** This year can either be an average year or an extraordinary year, depending on how aligned and focused you are as a couple! You may find the holiday season stressful, routine, an obligation, or maybe exciting and new.  But we encourage you to set aside some time together to implement the 3 types of goals we’re suggesting in this episode to get aligned for the year. Here is a way to look at goals differently AND have them be things that actually inspire you as a couple!   In this episode you will: Know- 3 ‘new’ types of goals to set as a couple to get an “R.O.I” Have- prompting questions to get you two talking and getting on the same page. Feel- focused and inspired so it can be the best year and decade of your lives!   Other Resources: Register for the ONLINE COUPLES WORKSHOP! FREE hard copy of the book The New Power Couple (just pay for shipping). Then join the “POWER COUPLE Book Club” Follow us on Instagram

  • Creating Healthy Social Media And Technology Boundaries In A Modern Relationship: Bud + Sarah Dunn

    11/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    In this special episode, you will get to hear us being interviewed on the “Confident Couples Podcast” hosted by Bud and Sara Dunn. This was such a fun, humorous, and much needed topic about the impact that technology and social media has on modern day relationships (who doesn’t experience this right?!) Both sides of the positive impact and some of the areas that there may be ‘negative’ impacts on your connection, both of which you will even be surprised by! In this episode you will know some of the positive and negative impacts of social media (that you wouldn’t normally think about) on modern relationships. You will then be able to make new agreements, set healthy boundaries, release the hold onto some assumptions you may have about your partner, and maintain (even restore) trust and connection within the relationship. With all this said, you will be able to use social media and technology within your relationship to continuously be even more connected and on the same page with your vision!  Questions asked

  • 3 Ways To Keep The Spark Alive Even When You’re Busy: The Freemans Episode 62

    27/11/2019 Duration: 19min

    If you’re alive in 2019/2020, then you’re likely ‘busy.’ We know you’re alive because you’re reading this ;-) But just because the two of you are busy with kids, career, to-do lists, etc...doesn’t mean you can’t also keep the SPARK alive in your relationship year after year. A part of having a truly happy, thriving, connected relationship is being able to keep the spark of passion, excitement, and newness alive.  In this episode you will: KNOW: that no matter how busy you are, you can prioritize having a passionate relationship  HAVE: 3 practical ways to ignite that spark in your busy life FEEL: surprised, ready and eager to see your partner and take action!    Quotes: “Don’t wait until you feel like it to make an attempt for intimacy, take action, and then you will feel it!” - Jocelyn    Other Resources: Get a FREE hard copy of the book The New Power Couple (just pay for shipping). Then you can join the “POWER COUPLE Book Club”!  Follow us on Instagram

  • Gaining Your Spouse's Support For Your Goals While Effectively Supporting Theirs: Amanda + Nicholas Episode 61

    13/11/2019 Duration: 44min

    Hello friends, get ready to meet Nicholas and Amanda Bayerle! They are the CEO and COO respectively of the 7- figure lifestyle brand for businessmen, Billion Dollar Body and the community the Billion Dollar Brotherhood. Where men can achieve their highest potential in both their business and their health.  Both have been featured in media like Forbes, Oxygen, Huffington Post, and featured in top podcasts. Nicholas is also the host of their own Billion Dollar Body podcast which has over 300,000 downloads, as well as an international speaker and author of the new book Modern Day Businessman: Success Without Sacrifice.  They are passionate not only about people having healthy bodies, but healthy relationships and truly achieving their dreams in life. And welcoming their first child in January 2020. They believe anyone’s network is what determines their net-worth!    In this episode you will learn: There is no need to sacrifice your own personal goals within your relationship. And it’s even by focusing on strivin

  • How Do I Get My Spouse On Board With Personal Development?: The Freemans Mini Episode 60

    30/10/2019 Duration: 21min

    Welcome to another ‘Mini Chat with The Freemans’. This time we are talking about this subject of personal development, but as a couple. How do you get your partner on board with first growing as an individual AND THEN doing it together as a couple? Of course without them getting defensive, feeling something is wrong, or thinking you need counseling.    That is exactly what we’ll cover, and by tuning into this episode you will learn that progress = happiness, and growing (getting better at anything) is the most fundamental and natural thing in life. You will have 3 steps to actually bringing up this kind of conversation with your partner, in a way that has them feel open and curious about how you can both make positive progress in any area of your life together. Which will have you feeling at ease and a contribution to both your partner and the direction of your relationship. This is the path of happiness and fulfillment throughout your life!    Summary of The Steps To Have The Conversation: Work on your deli

  • How To Balance Being A Parent And A Strong Spouse: Figs + Teale O’Sullivan Episode 59

    16/10/2019 Duration: 34min

    For all the parents out there! Have you ever thought it was too difficult to balance being a great parent and a great partner to your spouse? Do you feel this is a season that you have to sacrifice some areas of your own life or relationship to ‘make it all work’?    If so this is THE episode for you as you introduce you to Figs and Teale O’Sullivan are a powerful couple, both of whom are marriage and family EFT certified therapists from SF, CA. They are the founders of Empathi, a company that provides affordable and convenient relationship support for both individuals and couples. Empathi offers online courses as well as live support from a whole team of licensed and certified therapists; through fun, effective, and simple solutions to help couples stop fighting, stop suffering, and snuggle more. Figs designed Empathi to be available for everyone, no matter their socio-economic status, orientation or station in life. So all couples can “Love better with Empathi”!    In this episode you will: know that even a

  • How To Communicate Your Needs To Your Partner Without Rocking The Boat: The Freemans Mini Episode 58

    02/10/2019 Duration: 17min

    We received a message last week on instagram that powerfully portrayed how many of you might feel about expressing your needs to your spouse. The question said, ‘how do I tell my partner I really want (and need) for us to proactively work on our communication and that I want to start working on us more? I don’t want to upset her.’ Now the content of what you want to say or ask of your partner might be different, the context is likely similar: you want to share something important to your partner without rocking the boat. So this episode will dive into ways that we bring up these subjects with each other:   In this episode you will:  Know the 3 easy to make mistakes you might be making when trying to communicate your needs to your partner now.  Have 3 game changing ways to better communicate your needs so that keep you both on the 'same team'.  So that you feel empowered to make requests to each other that have you be the best partners you can be!    Quotes:  "The goal of a relationship is to grow, and to grow

  • The Benefits Of Having Conflicts And How To Fight Right: CrisMarie + Susan Episode 57

    18/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Let’s all be honest about something, we are all friends here… How many have you heard other people say (or even heard yourself saying), “it would be better if we argued less” or even “things are going so well lately as we have not argued at all”?  However is this really the goal, should relationships be about NOT getting into disagreement, arguments or conflicts? Well NOT to this couple. In this episode we interview life and business partners CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke, co-founders of Thrive Inc. They’ve spent 20 years helping men, women, couples, and teams to resolve difficult conflicts and create strong, thriving relationships. They’ve written two books: The Beauty of Conflict and The Beauty of Conflict for Couples. They do workshops on conflict resolution, communication, and teamwork at Fortune 100 companies like Microsoft and the Gates Foundation.  In this episode you will learn that avoiding conflict or not having conflict at all is NOT the goal as conflict can be beautiful, have you be more con

  • 8 Powerful Habits For Power Couples (for the 8 core areas of your relationship): The Freemans Mini Episode 56

    04/09/2019 Duration: 24min

    Brief description: Chemistry is what brings you together, your habits are what keep you together (or not). Can we be real for a second? Every week we meet couples who are wondering why they’re not experiencing connection, passion, joy in their relationship. They love each other a lot, but something isn’t quite working like they want it to. Well in this episode, we’re going to demystify why that happens by going into the HABITS you must maintain in your relationship to become & stay a power couple.   In this episode you will: KNOW: Why your habits are so impactful in either positive or negative ways for your relationship HAVE: 8 Powerful Habits for Power Couples covering---> Mindset/Emotions Physical/Sexual Professional Communication Spiritual Financial Social Family FEEL: Motivated to implement new habits as a couple that create connection & passion   Quotes: “Chemistry is what brings you together, your habits are what keep you together (or not).”   Other resources: Get a free 2-on-2 couples coachin

  • Habits To Be The Best Teammate You Can Be: Mike + Cari Skrdla Episode 55

    21/08/2019 Duration: 41min

    Meet Mike & Cari Skrdla from right here in Gilbert AZ. Both of them started the company “LifeBack” which is about helping you make the necessary changes to live a life you love living. Any challenges with career, relationships, and happiness are not supposed to be a constant state. So LifeBack aids as a lifeline of professional support, providing methods and empowerment to assist you with creating a life of your choosing. This is through coaching and live events like the Genius Bootcamp. Along with that mission, Mike runs 2 other business investing into real estate and CBD.  Aside from what they do, they are both very close friends of ours that have always been there for us in our own spiritual journey, starting our own relationship, and listening & providing advice whenever we have needed it in our personal and professional life. In this episode you will learn the habits they implement to function as a true team and to support each others dreams while fulfilling on the vision for your own relationshi

  • 3 Challenges Modern-day Couples Face & How to Breakthrough Them: Freemans Mini Episode 54

    07/08/2019 Duration: 26min

    Welcome to the next Mini Chat with the Freemans!  This episode is all about MODERN marriage & the challenges that we all face in today’s world. Now let’s be real, life looks quite a bit different today than even 10 years ago, 20, and definitely 50. You face new challenges that most people don’t address because it seems like it just ‘is’ that way….BUT we have solutions for you. Meaning, ways you can breakthrough these modern challenges you face as a couple. We promise, this will be relatable, practical solutions you’ll want to implement right away!   The 3 modern challenges addressed (and their solutions) in this episode:  1) The pressure to play so many different roles  Solution - talk through any unspoken expectations you have of yourselves and each other. 2) Feeling too busy and tired (yet craving more joy and fulfillment)  Solution - Prioritize a bonding activity every weekend BEFORE chores and to-do lists. Plus refer to your Couples Vision Statement?  3) Repeating yourselves from communication getting

  • 5 Money Habits of Empowered Couples: Freemans Mini Episode 53

    17/07/2019 Duration: 25min

    Welcome to the next Mini Chat with the Freemans! This episode is all about MONEY and the 5 most impactful habits that truly Empowered Couples implement to not only earn more money but experience more freedom, security, and unlimited options for their life together as a couple!  In this episode: You will know how to breakthrough financial barriers you run into through establishing the right habits, those by other power couples. You will have the 5 Money Habits of Empowered Couples that you can utilize in your own relationship today. Leaving you feeling more peace and feel there are more options for you as a couple   The 5 habits that are covered: Knowing your “Top Driver” for money. Only talk about money in pre-scheduled, calm times. (not in passing conversations) Invest In Yourselves. Diversify (don’t just rely on your paychecks, don’t spend it all on expenses, take a portion and invest outside of your 401k) Change to “We make” this much rather than “I make this much”.   Quotes: “Once you invest in and grow

  • 4 Tips For Effectively Communicating In The Middle Of A Fight: Raj + Gaby Sundra Episode 52

    03/07/2019 Duration: 38min

    Join us on this unique episode, where we were interviewed on an internet show by Raj and Gaby Sundra. They are the founders of “Relationship Fun and Games” and are on their 12th season of their “Fights Clean & Sex Dirty” show, that provides couples the resources to have better communication skills when they get into fights as well as spicing up their intimacy in new and fun ways!  This business of theirs was born out of the necessity to become better partners themselves early on in their marriage when Raj was busy in business development consulting and their were starting their life in a new place. Now they are passionate to give the resources for others to ongoingly grow and strengthen their own relationship. For them relationships are at the heart of living your best life!    In this episode you will: Know that getting into fights and arguments is not a problem in your relationship when you are able to “fight clean”. You will have 4 tips on just what to do in the heat of a fight so you can feel you are

  • How The Relationship With Yourself Benefits (or Hurts) Your Relationship With Your Partner : Jocelyn Freeman Episode 51

    13/06/2019 Duration: 33min

    This episode is one of the most vulnerable episodes from Jocelyn, as Aaron interviews her about her upbringing and her path to finally loving and appreciating herself. You’ll hear the critical ways you can either strengthen or hurt the connection in your partnership from the quality of your relationship to yourself. You’ll also hear practical ways you can develop a healthier relationship to yourself no matter how busy life gets. Quotes: “Building relationship with yourself brings more presence. Having the ability to be more present with your partner is what allows for more romance.” - Jocelyn Freeman Questions asked in this interview: Why did you want to bring up the subject (the importance) of the relationship to yourself? What unhealthy things can show up in a relationship if someone isn’t looking inside themselves? What was your personal story of starting to work on your relationship to yourself? How does deepening relationship to oneself deepen the relationship to their partners? What are some ways to bu

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