Empowered Couples

Why Saying Nothing Hurts As Much As Yelling When You Get Mad At Your Partner: Aaron Freeman



In this episode you will learn just why holding a frustration in by saying nothing, hurts just as much (or even more in the long run) as reacting and getting angry at your partner. This short episode by Aaron is specifically in those moments when men ‘shut down’, hold emotion in, and withdraw; without saying anything to their partner, when they get angry.  WOMEN: in moments like these you feel isolated, shut out, you don’t know what is going on with your partner. Plus even when there is not an argument happening, this has you feel like you just don’t know as much about what’s happening internally for your spouse. You want to know more about them as you live your life and relationships together, and you feel you just can’t break into truly knowing them. MEN: This is such a pattern that we all default to, and we even think ‘is for the best’. Of course when you think of it, not saying anything when you get mad, certainly is better than the alternative of yelling in anger. Sometimes you may even want them to than