Empowered Couples

How To Communicate Your Needs To Your Partner Without Rocking The Boat: The Freemans Mini Episode 58



We received a message last week on instagram that powerfully portrayed how many of you might feel about expressing your needs to your spouse. The question said, ‘how do I tell my partner I really want (and need) for us to proactively work on our communication and that I want to start working on us more? I don’t want to upset her.’ Now the content of what you want to say or ask of your partner might be different, the context is likely similar: you want to share something important to your partner without rocking the boat. So this episode will dive into ways that we bring up these subjects with each other:   In this episode you will:  Know the 3 easy to make mistakes you might be making when trying to communicate your needs to your partner now.  Have 3 game changing ways to better communicate your needs so that keep you both on the 'same team'.  So that you feel empowered to make requests to each other that have you be the best partners you can be!    Quotes:  "The goal of a relationship is to grow, and to grow