Empowered Couples

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 159:03:29
  • More information



Ignite your day with inspiring and authentic interviews with EmPowered Couples that will help you design your own version of what it means to be an Empowered couple. We believe that we can all be thriving physically, financially and spiritually while strengthening our partnership.We are honored to be your hosts, The Freemans, we are authors of the book The New Power Couple, speakers, and Social Entrepreneurs. Alright, here we go.


  • Feeling Disconnected Right Now? Here’s What To Do Episode 90

    28/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    Do you find that you are physically together with your partner more than ever, yet still feeling disconnected? How could this be right? Well, connection isn’t just about proximity. Connection also isn’t something that you can just count on always being there. It takes attention and intention just like anything in life that you want to grow.  Today’s topic came from multiple messages that we received within one hour. One of the questions saying: “What to do when you get disconnected? We are really intense, when we are close we are best friends. But sometimes we get into a cycle of and it’s hard to get out of being disconnected. It gets bad enough that we feel like pushing the wedding away...this is not what we want, we want to be partners and make it work” We also did the drawing for the podcast reviews and the winner is…. Betty on Instagram. So Betty please message us on IG so we can get your address to send your gift!    In this podcast episode you will take away:  What really fuels the feeling of connectio

  • Rebuilding Trust After Broken Promises (whether big or small) Episode 89

    21/07/2020 Duration: 48min

    Trust is the feeling of: “you have my back”. When trust is high in any relationship you can feel that you can fly, fail, and yet still be accepted and loved by your partner. This is so foundational for a healthy, happy relationship that wants to be able to grow. When trust has been broken, whether from a big or small event, it harbors doubt, resentment, and suspicion in the relationship.  Today’s topic came from several DM’s and IG poll votes, plus a financial trust question from Teresa: “After repeat offenses running the gamut of petty to severe in nature on occasion; how do you rebuild trust in a real way? I am between being codependent in needing to trust deeply and frustrated because I feel like I never can 100% trust because of the continued offenses and boundary crossing.”  One other question was: “It was about a promise of not doing something, then doing it and lying about it to my face….multiple times. So broken promises/outright lies/secrets. How to make amends and be consistent with everything?” Tha

  • Reconnecting After A Big Fight (The Do’s And Don’ts) Episode 88

    14/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    So you have had a fight in your relationship, now what…? Right after you might feel angry or sad, certainty disconnected, or even that you do not want to be around them. This is a tough place to be in for your relationship; HOWEVER this is not the part you need to be worried about initially. It's about how long are you going to be in this period of being disconnected! This episode is all about how to reconnect after you have had a fight or disagreement.  Today’s topic came from a question on a DM from Isha on saying: “Can you include in your podcast about how to talk after a fight? How to listen and accept each other’s perspectives regarding a situation that has led to a fight?” Thank you for the question Isha as this is a topic we have gotten many questions about too.  Today from this episode you’ll takeaway: The 3 “Don’ts” for after a big fight  For example the action that has you sweep things under the rug Then the 3 things to “Do” after a fight to reconnect together.  For example how to get to the real r

  • Differences in Personalities? How To Have Both of Your Needs Met Episode 87

    07/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    All of a sudden the personality differences that attracted you to your partner earlier in the relationship, become the things that frustrate you and cause tension! How can this be? Once you find yourself in this place it can feel like your own needs are not getting met. For example maybe you are naturally more spontaneous and playful than your partner who ‘makes decisions slower’ and likes to structure and plan things out.    Today’s topic came from Heather’s question on Instagram that said: “My partner and I realized a key difference in the way we both operate. I have a need for spontaneity and often throw ideas out and expect him to roll with it. He has a need, however, to think things through and plan things out well in advance. How can we both be sensitive to each other’s needs while still feeling our own needs are met?”   Form today’s episode you’ll takeaway: Why this dynamic of tension happens in your relationship  How you can bring awareness to your differences first to leverage them as a team rather

  • How To Take Feedback Better To Not Get Defensive + The Major Difference Between Criticism and Giving Feedback Episode 86

    30/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    Swinging for the fence right from the start here… criticism in your relationship in one of the top four things that lead to disconnection and divorce (*The Gottman Institute). Even besides that fact, being criticized by your partner just sucks! It leads to arguments, conflicts, and a loss of connection at best.  Though it may seem like a topic that you want to tell your partner to listen to, because this is something that THEY need to work on, there are key things that you BOTH can work on to better receive feedback, give feedback, and the major difference between criticism. With this you will be able to use feedback in your relationship at the right time and to evolve your relationship to be even better!  This topic came up from the question that Aaron G submitted in the Power Couple Book Club. He asked: "how can I take criticism better? I tend to get defensive, then nothing is solved and things are weird for a few days.” From this episode you’ll: Know the difference between criticism and feedback How to ta

  • Invalidating Each Other’s Feelings - The Sneaky Ways You Do This To Each Other & How To Stop Episode 85

    23/06/2020 Duration: 36min

    So here you are, trying to share with your partner something that is important to you and something that you feel emotion around… Then they say something like: “you are overreacting, it’s not that big of a deal”,  or even “that doesn’t make sense!” You immediately feel invalidated and maybe that your feelings don’t matter, right? This causes many upsets and conflicts for couples and at the very least, disconnects you from love and understanding from your partner.  Today’s topic came from a coaching session we had this week, in which we then posted this question to our couples community: “Do you ever notice that you feel your emotions are invalidated by your partner, what has you feel that way?” There were many replies and great examples of the words and actions that caused people to feel invalidated (we will cover a number of them).  From this episode you’ll take away: What causes you to feel invalidated The 3 reasons why this is used as a  defensive mechanism The new actions to take to keep from invalidatin

  • Your Emotional Triggers - When Your Partner Triggers You Take These Steps To Reflect & Reconnect Episode 84

    16/06/2020 Duration: 26min

    You know those things your partner says or does that TRIGGER you? YES trigger, meaning you have an automatic emotion that comes up that then causes you to get upset. Then from there you may both do things that hurt and keep you disconnected for hours, days, or even weeks!  You’re not alone, we received hundreds of comments when we asked the community what triggers them in their relationship. This episode comes directly from a post on FB and Instagram about “what does your partner do that triggers you?”   We share what many of those responses were PLUS: The root cause of your personal triggers 3 things you can do differently when you do get triggered And how to talk calmly to your partner about triggers so they can support you   Quotes: “It’s not your partner’s responsibility to tip-toe around your emotional triggers. It is your opportunity to identify them, heal them and then ask them to support you.” - Jocelyn “Become aware, then share!”  - Aaron   About Us: We’re The Freemans, your go-to couple for authen

  • How Do We Release Resentment Or Get Past Old Hurts? Episode 83

    02/06/2020 Duration: 24min

    Avoiding conflicts in the short term only lead to resentment building in the long term! Though you may have adapted the philosophy of avoiding conflicts from other examples that you saw, or your own past experiences. It hurts your relationship by turning into resentment. You can even be a happy and growth focused couple but can start to build a rift in just a few days time.  So we took this topic of releasing resentment or getting past old hurts from Andrew on Instagram and Teresa on Facebook. They both essentially asked: “How do I let go of resentments or past hurts in my relationship now?”   So in this episode today you’ll takeaway: Why and how resentments build up from avoiding conflicts and withholding communications The steps to take to release any past hurts or resentments How to use the steps to ‘close the circle’ on future arguments, so that they don’t repeat themselves in the future and turn into resentment later on.  From listening you will feel free from keeping things held inside and clear about

  • Is Now A Good Time To Start Or Grow A Business As A Couple? : Chris + Lori Harder

    27/05/2020 Duration: 49min

    Facing any time of challenge let alone a global down economy can have you wondering and doubting if you can pursue your passion. You may be wondering is this really the time to start or even grow a business (especially as a couple)?  You are about to find the answer to that and much more as Chris and Lori Harder share how they went from humiliation in the 2008 crash to building the foundation of the multiple million dollar companies they run TOGETHER.  You will hear how the requirements to be successful especially when you back is against a wall, you pivot, and reinvent yourself individually and as a couple! Learn how even having a good economy is the enemy to a great business! Plus how being business partners will take your romantic relationship to levels other couples won’t ever reach.    Questions Ask In The Interview: You two started a business together in the 2008 crash when you were laid off from what many would say is a steady job. How did you get resourceful rather than victims? Can you really pursue

  • How To Deal With Unexpected Situations Without Getting Frustrated

    20/05/2020 Duration: 17min

    Ever have those moments that don’t feel like they’re going your way? It could be that you suddenly got into a disagreement on a seemingly great day, your kids aren’t acting like you want them to, maybe one of you lost your job during the quarantine period…..or maybe your dog stepped on a cactus early in the morning (like our story) This episode is all about how to let go of RESISTING the present moment and what is HAPPENING. When you’re resisting what’s happening, you can get frustrated and not have a great attitude.  We’ll share a relatable story from how our day did not go as we expected this week, but how we switched our attitude about it quickly!  Connect More With Us: As you listen to the episode, tag us on an IG story and let us know what you loved.  Get $50 off the Communication Course For Couples. (use coupon code: PODCAST)

  • How To Weather A Financial Downturn Without It Hurting Your Marriage: Elena Cardone

    11/05/2020 Duration: 31min

    Things have absolutely changed in the world and in your life from this pandemic. You probably experience a change in your relationship roles (including taking on additional roles you never thought you would have to) and the amount of time you are in your home and around your partner. Plus, no matter what type of job, career, or business you are in; you probably have felt an impact in your finances!  Of course this has always been a top stressor on marriages, but now it can be glaring at you in the face, having you feel a lot of fear and uncertainty. This can bring up additional tension and pressure in your relationship together causing you to fight against each other.  So get ready to hear from iconic Elena Cardone, as her and her husband Grant are no strangers to challenges, financial downturns, and crashes. What you are going to know from Elena is that marriage is what makes you a better individual and how you can handle financial downturns. You are going to have the ways to stop fighting about ‘small thing

  • How To Stay Positive & Productive As A Couple During Challenging Times: Jasmine Star

    29/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    During these times of uncertainty with the coronavirus, do you find yourself torn between wanting to be really productive and taking time out to relax and just slow down? Or do you see many other people talking about finding the opportunity in these times to serve more people and grow your own influence and impact; and feel pressure to try and do the same?  Many couples are finding themselves in this dichotomy, which is putting even more pressure on the relationship, especially when each partner feels differently about this time.  So where is the balance between being productive and rejuvenating or even being able to just stay positive when you have emotions of uncertainty, fear, disconnection from your partner, or just not being on the same page?  In this episode with brilliant, courageous, and inspirational entrepreneur Jasmine Star, you will be able to find your balance, get clarity on what truly inspires you during this time, how to stay on the same page with your partner and be positive and productive du

  • 3 Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship Instead of Strain It (During The Quarantine): The Freemans

    15/04/2020 Duration: 26min

    Start your day off with a dose of laughter + power-packed content! This episode is your moment to gain 3 ways you become Stronger Than Ever during these tough times. If you follow us on social media, you’ve heard us say, “this time will either strengthen your relationship or strain it…..all based on your skills, actions and choices!” Since you’re listening to this podcast, you obviously are committed to it STRENGTHENING. So grab a cup of tea or head on a run to enjoy this episode giving you 3 practical ways to do just that! PLUS, we’re also including 3 clips from our ‘Couples Workshop’ (recorded home edition) so you can get a sneak peek into why couples are BUZZING around the world talking about how they are more connected than ever!  Connect More With Us: On Instagram (and tell us what you took away from this episode) ✅ Get instant access to ‘The Couples Workshop’ HERE (right to your home)

  • Partner Expectations - What You Need & What You Want: Patrick + Carrie

    01/04/2020 Duration: 52min

    In this episode you will know that expectations are the cause of any and all disappointments that have come up, or will come up in your relationship. But this is not a problem at all once you know that it’s from the unexpressed or unknown expectations. You will always have expectations whether from the past that you are becoming aware of, or if you are growing and evolving as people and as a couple, there will always be new ones you discover.  From this interview with Patrick and Carrie Antrim, you will have the way to uncover as well as express any and all disappointments (whether from the past or ones still to come as you grow together) with your partner. So that you will both feel understood, on the same page, connected, and ready to become the best partners you can be no matter what challenges arise!    Questions asked in this interview: What are expectations you each now realize you had in the beginning of the relationship? Looking back, what was the impact of any of these unknown or unexpressed expecta

  • The Skills Needed For A Healthy Romantic Relationship: The Freemans

    25/03/2020 Duration: 15min

    This episode is all about the ‘Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships’! No matter what you have heard from songs, movies, or people in general LOVE ISN’T actually enough. Loving each other doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have a truly healthy relationship. Believe it right now or not what you need are the skills and corresponding habits to have a long term healthy relationship!  In this episode, from our “Empowered Couples Show” on YouTube, you will have 2 skills that lead to healthy relationships and reduce the patterns that lead to unhealthy ones using evidenced based tools for couples! You’ll leave feeling confident that you DO HAVE everything you need to have love be the foundation of your healthy romantic relationship!  ✔︎SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more relationship videos:   Connect More With Us: Follow us on Instagram ✔︎ Attend the LIVE Online Couples Workshop (right to your home)

  • Creating The Right Environment For A Successful Relationship: Rono + Sierra

    18/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    In this episode you will know the most important factor for a healthy relationship: creating the right environment! You may think that sounds like focusing on your home life, yet you will have the 4 areas that create your total environment: home, relationships with other couples, geographical location, between you and your partner.  You will have a pattern interrupt method, activities to do on the weekend to keep the environment of love & passion between the two of you going, how lifestyle design can be incorporated to have a great relationship, and even a game you can play with each other that will spark playfulness, intimacy, creativity, and allow you to communicate anything that you have been afraid or hesitate to tell your partner. All of this will leave you feeling the ease and clarity in which you can use this most important aspect of your life, to support you and your spouse having a truly successful relationship.    Questions asked in this interview: What is the most important factor for creating

  • 3 Ways To Guard Your Family From Worry & Stress: The Freemans Mini Chat

    11/03/2020 Duration: 21min

    Don’t feed into the FEAR in the world right now or let it impact your family life. As you can see, the news is pumping out scare based tactics and it can be hard to compartmentalize that and keep it outside the home. The last thing you want is for outside fears (global sickness, financial economy, political future) to start to create tension and arguments between you and your spouse. What you allow to influence you, will be how you respond and interact with your partner and your family. You will start to talk about the things you are fearful of… work, kids future, your health, a family member, your own financial future. Even to the point of seeing what you fear within your own partner.  So in today’s episode you’ll: Know: The most important thing to focus on during stressful times Have: 3 ways to guard your family from worry and stress Feel: a sense of power for what you can control in your life   Other resources: SUBSCRIBE to the new web show Get a FREE hard copy of the book The New Power Couple (just cov

  • He Wants to Save Money, She Wants to Spend Money: Garrett + Chelsea (He-Said/ She-Said On Money)

    04/03/2020 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to this new game show type episode called “HE Said/SHE Said”! In this type of episode, on the Empowered Couples podcast, you will laugh, be entertained, and relate to this couple as they find out how they see things differently in their marriage even when they love each other, live together, and have been together for years.  No matter how well you think you know your partner, you can see things differently AND often don’t even realize! (remember the newlywed game, yup it’s going to be like that!) In this episode you will know that no matter how long you have been together you are still going to see things differently (especially when it comes to money), but these differences can be turned into real strengths of your relationship. You are going to have questions to ask your partner to be more on the same page with money PLUS one powerful action to implement this week. Listening to this episode you will feel more aware and connected with your partner when it comes to your money habits.   Press play and

  • The #1 Thing You Must Stop Doing To Be A Power Couple: The Freemans

    26/02/2020 Duration: 10min

    In this episode you will know that there is ONE MAJOR thing that you must stop doing in order to experience yourselves as a power couple. In this sense, it's your own version of being a power couple where you are able to approach any challenge with the skills to stay on the same team, communicate your needs and desires effectively, and pursue your purpose together.  Yet if you are doing just this one small thing… it will be impossible for you to become that power couple. When this keeps happening in a relationship it is the core reason that couples feel they are “unable to make the marriage work any longer”!  Tune into this short episode to make sure you stop this habit and put yourself on the path to being and maintaining the power couple you know you are meant to be.  Other resources: 1) Get a FREE hard copy of the book The New Power Couple (just pay for shipping). Then join the “POWER COUPLE Book Club” 2) Follow us on Instagram (and let us know if you would like us to bring the Couples Workshop to your ci

  • Be Sexually Satisfied Even When Busy Or Married For Years: Tony + Alisa

    19/02/2020 Duration: 36min

    Have you ever had thoughts that: “The sex we had in the beginning of our relationship was the best we will have”, or even “I can’t talk about what I want more in our sex life because my partner will be uncomfortable or unwilling to talk”?  Well if you fall into that category, you are like many other couples out there. But just because you have a lot of company, this is not a place you want to continue to stay in. Imagine that no matter how busy you are, no matter how long you have been married, and no matter how open you or your partner have been to talking about your sex life… You can raise your sexual satisfaction starting right here in this episode!  In this episode you will know that no matter the season of marriage you are in now, your sexual future doesn’t have to be predictable but can be extraordinary. You will have ways to initiate sex more frequently and have it be balanced between you both, the challenges that face both men and women, and ways to communicate your most current needs. So you will fee

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