Empowered Couples

3 Ways To Keep The Spark Alive Even When You’re Busy: The Freemans Episode 62



If you’re alive in 2019/2020, then you’re likely ‘busy.’ We know you’re alive because you’re reading this ;-) But just because the two of you are busy with kids, career, to-do lists, etc...doesn’t mean you can’t also keep the SPARK alive in your relationship year after year. A part of having a truly happy, thriving, connected relationship is being able to keep the spark of passion, excitement, and newness alive.  In this episode you will: KNOW: that no matter how busy you are, you can prioritize having a passionate relationship  HAVE: 3 practical ways to ignite that spark in your busy life FEEL: surprised, ready and eager to see your partner and take action!    Quotes: “Don’t wait until you feel like it to make an attempt for intimacy, take action, and then you will feel it!” - Jocelyn    Other Resources: Get a FREE hard copy of the book The New Power Couple (just pay for shipping). Then you can join the “POWER COUPLE Book Club”!  Follow us on Instagram