Empowered Couples

5 Money Habits of Empowered Couples: Freemans Mini Episode 53



Welcome to the next Mini Chat with the Freemans! This episode is all about MONEY and the 5 most impactful habits that truly Empowered Couples implement to not only earn more money but experience more freedom, security, and unlimited options for their life together as a couple!  In this episode: You will know how to breakthrough financial barriers you run into through establishing the right habits, those by other power couples. You will have the 5 Money Habits of Empowered Couples that you can utilize in your own relationship today. Leaving you feeling more peace and feel there are more options for you as a couple   The 5 habits that are covered: Knowing your “Top Driver” for money. Only talk about money in pre-scheduled, calm times. (not in passing conversations) Invest In Yourselves. Diversify (don’t just rely on your paychecks, don’t spend it all on expenses, take a portion and invest outside of your 401k) Change to “We make” this much rather than “I make this much”.   Quotes: “Once you invest in and grow