Empowered Couples

How Do I Get My Spouse On Board With Personal Development?: The Freemans Mini Episode 60



Welcome to another ‘Mini Chat with The Freemans’. This time we are talking about this subject of personal development, but as a couple. How do you get your partner on board with first growing as an individual AND THEN doing it together as a couple? Of course without them getting defensive, feeling something is wrong, or thinking you need counseling.    That is exactly what we’ll cover, and by tuning into this episode you will learn that progress = happiness, and growing (getting better at anything) is the most fundamental and natural thing in life. You will have 3 steps to actually bringing up this kind of conversation with your partner, in a way that has them feel open and curious about how you can both make positive progress in any area of your life together. Which will have you feeling at ease and a contribution to both your partner and the direction of your relationship. This is the path of happiness and fulfillment throughout your life!    Summary of The Steps To Have The Conversation: Work on your deli