Empowered Couples

Differences in Personalities? How To Have Both of Your Needs Met Episode 87



All of a sudden the personality differences that attracted you to your partner earlier in the relationship, become the things that frustrate you and cause tension! How can this be? Once you find yourself in this place it can feel like your own needs are not getting met. For example maybe you are naturally more spontaneous and playful than your partner who ‘makes decisions slower’ and likes to structure and plan things out.    Today’s topic came from Heather’s question on Instagram that said: “My partner and I realized a key difference in the way we both operate. I have a need for spontaneity and often throw ideas out and expect him to roll with it. He has a need, however, to think things through and plan things out well in advance. How can we both be sensitive to each other’s needs while still feeling our own needs are met?”   Form today’s episode you’ll takeaway: Why this dynamic of tension happens in your relationship  How you can bring awareness to your differences first to leverage them as a team rather