Empowered Couples

Is Now A Good Time To Start Or Grow A Business As A Couple? : Chris + Lori Harder



Facing any time of challenge let alone a global down economy can have you wondering and doubting if you can pursue your passion. You may be wondering is this really the time to start or even grow a business (especially as a couple)?  You are about to find the answer to that and much more as Chris and Lori Harder share how they went from humiliation in the 2008 crash to building the foundation of the multiple million dollar companies they run TOGETHER.  You will hear how the requirements to be successful especially when you back is against a wall, you pivot, and reinvent yourself individually and as a couple! Learn how even having a good economy is the enemy to a great business! Plus how being business partners will take your romantic relationship to levels other couples won’t ever reach.    Questions Ask In The Interview: You two started a business together in the 2008 crash when you were laid off from what many would say is a steady job. How did you get resourceful rather than victims? Can you really pursue