Empowered Couples

Partner Expectations - What You Need & What You Want: Patrick + Carrie



In this episode you will know that expectations are the cause of any and all disappointments that have come up, or will come up in your relationship. But this is not a problem at all once you know that it’s from the unexpressed or unknown expectations. You will always have expectations whether from the past that you are becoming aware of, or if you are growing and evolving as people and as a couple, there will always be new ones you discover.  From this interview with Patrick and Carrie Antrim, you will have the way to uncover as well as express any and all disappointments (whether from the past or ones still to come as you grow together) with your partner. So that you will both feel understood, on the same page, connected, and ready to become the best partners you can be no matter what challenges arise!    Questions asked in this interview: What are expectations you each now realize you had in the beginning of the relationship? Looking back, what was the impact of any of these unknown or unexpressed expecta