Empowered Couples

Reconnecting After A Big Fight (The Do’s And Don’ts) Episode 88



So you have had a fight in your relationship, now what…? Right after you might feel angry or sad, certainty disconnected, or even that you do not want to be around them. This is a tough place to be in for your relationship; HOWEVER this is not the part you need to be worried about initially. It's about how long are you going to be in this period of being disconnected! This episode is all about how to reconnect after you have had a fight or disagreement.  Today’s topic came from a question on a DM from Isha on saying: “Can you include in your podcast about how to talk after a fight? How to listen and accept each other’s perspectives regarding a situation that has led to a fight?” Thank you for the question Isha as this is a topic we have gotten many questions about too.  Today from this episode you’ll takeaway: The 3 “Don’ts” for after a big fight  For example the action that has you sweep things under the rug Then the 3 things to “Do” after a fight to reconnect together.  For example how to get to the real r