Empowered Couples

Be Sexually Satisfied Even When Busy Or Married For Years: Tony + Alisa



Have you ever had thoughts that: “The sex we had in the beginning of our relationship was the best we will have”, or even “I can’t talk about what I want more in our sex life because my partner will be uncomfortable or unwilling to talk”?  Well if you fall into that category, you are like many other couples out there. But just because you have a lot of company, this is not a place you want to continue to stay in. Imagine that no matter how busy you are, no matter how long you have been married, and no matter how open you or your partner have been to talking about your sex life… You can raise your sexual satisfaction starting right here in this episode!  In this episode you will know that no matter the season of marriage you are in now, your sexual future doesn’t have to be predictable but can be extraordinary. You will have ways to initiate sex more frequently and have it be balanced between you both, the challenges that face both men and women, and ways to communicate your most current needs. So you will fee