Gospel Saving Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 317:43:24
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While so many in our world today have perverted and twisted the Holy Scriptures of the Bible by teaching error and false doctrine (usually for their own gain), we at Gospel Saving Church are committed and dedicated to God and to you, to bring true Biblical truth to the world. So please join us weekly to hear Pastor Ed teach verse by verse through each book of the Bible, bringing Biblical truth and true Biblical doctrine to the world.May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.Pastor Ed


  • 265 - In Jesus Christ's Name, We Will...

    20/08/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    Overview - In Jesus Christ's Name, We Will... Acts 9:32-35. In our message today we read about how Peter was visiting all the churches in the countryside to minister the Word of God, and he comes across a disabled man, Aeneas, in Lydda, modern day city of Lod in Israel, whom was bedridden for 8 years. He sees him, the Lord moved on his heart and he takes Jesus Christ at His Word, in the Gospel of Mark chapter 16, and Peter says to Aeneas, “Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed.” The man was immediately healed and gets up, just the same as Jesus Himself did miracles when He was in the flesh on earth. Jesus Christ says in Mark 16 that certain signs and miracles would follow those whom follow Him, and I spend the majority of the message speaking about those, and how we do them and just how strongly we can expect them to happen. Jesus said in Mark 16 that certain signs and miracles would follow those whom are His servants, but did He say that those miracles were automatic and will happen 100% o

  • 264 - Communion before service July 9th, 2017

    20/08/2017 Duration: 07min

    Get your unleavened bread and your grape juice out, and either sit down, stand up, or get on your knees, but whatever you do, come and honor the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords with us today, and take communion with GSC. For, Jesus Christ said Himself, that we should do this often in remembrance of Him and what He did for us, Luke 22:19, because it reminds us of the sacrifice that He gave of Himself on the cross for our sins. This is a communion that I did before the sermon of the day.

  • 263 - Let Go, And Give It To God

    13/08/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview - Let Go, And Give It To God. Acts 9:26-31. In our message today, we read of the converted Saul, soon to be the apostle Paul, going to Jerusalem after he was persecuted in Damascus. And the first thing he decides to do, when in Jerusalem, is go to the disciples. Saul had every right to leave the Christian faith after the persecution he faced in Damascus, but he didn’t, he got right back on the horse and kept on going for Christ and being obedient to Jesus, not forsaking the fellowshipping of Christians together. How do the disciples receive Saul, who is a babe in Christ still at this time? They drop the ball, and reject him, believing him to be the same evil hearted religious leader, whom had persecuted Christians, and they do not let him come in to them. What lead them to reject Saul? Fear! What does God’s Word say about God’s children living in fear? What does God’s Word say that a Christian should do with all fear that they face? Let go, and give it to God, the title of the sermon. Why shou

  • 262 - Proving That This Jesus Is The Christ

    06/08/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    Overview - Proving That This Jesus Is The Christ. Acts 9:21-25. In our message today we looked at a very interesting exchange between the brand new apostle Saul, soon to be the very famous Paul, and some Jews in Damascus where he was living for a time, after he had been born-again. Saul confounded the Jews, proving that the Jesus, which had just revealed Himself to Saul on the road into Damascus, was indeed the Christ, or long awaited Jewish Messiah. Did the Jews in their unregenerate state understand and comprehend what Saul was teaching them of Jesus and Him being their Messiah? Absolutely, because after Saul spend days proving that Jesus was their Jewish Messiah, they get angry with him for it and conspire to kill him. If they were confused as to what Saul was saying, they would not have been moved to kill him, because by proving that Jesus was the Christ, he proved their beliefs wrong. Now, the majority of this message is spent, at God’s leading, of us going through just a few of the scriptures that

  • 261 - God’s Makeover Of Saul

    30/07/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    Overview - God’s Makeover of Saul. Acts 9:10-20. Last week we looked at the conversion of Saul, the Christian persecutor. And this week we continue to look at his conversion, and the great makeover that God was doing in him. God sends a man of His, Ananias, to allow Saul to regain his sight and fill him with His Holy Spirit, so that Saul could have the power of God, in order to serve Him, the way that God wanted him to. How did Ananias receive God’s message for him to go to Saul, for Ananias was a Christian, and Saul was sent to hunt Christians down? How did God call Saul to serve Him, what were his duties for Jehovah? What changes came to Saul due to the makeover God gave him? We speak about all of these things in our message title, “God’s Makeover of Saul”. Enjoy the message, and be blessed. Pastor Ed

  • 260 - “It Is Hard For You To Kick Against The Goads”

    23/07/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Overview - “It is hard for you to kick against the goads”. Acts 9-1-9. In our message today we take a look at an encounter that Jesus Christ has with Saul, who is an evil religious leader who is out to destroy the followers of Jesus Christ, or “The Way” as Christianity was called in those days. Saul encounters Jesus on the road to Damascus, actually right before he and some travel companions are about to go into the city of Damascus armed with letters from the High priest giving them permission to arrest all those they find there that are of Christ, allowing Saul to bring these hardened criminals back to Jerusalem so that they could be tried for their crimes of loving God and following Jesus Christ. Why is Saul so against the followers of Jesus Christ? What does Christ say to Saul when they meet on the road? How does Saul respond to Christ after they meet? What in the world does it mean to kick against the goads? I answer all of these questions and much more, in this message titled, “It is hard for you

  • 259 - The GREAT SEEKER

    16/07/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Overview - The GREAT SEEKER. Acts 8:26-40. In Gods message today, we follow the recording of Luke that decides to stop recording what the apostles are doing and focus on what God is doing with table serving disciple Philip. Philip gets called away from the work that God was doing in the village of the newly saved in Samaria, to go out to a desert road to catch up with one man, an Ethiopian man who was returning to Ethiopia after he came to Jerusalem to worship Jehovah. Why would God call the disciple Philip away from the work that he was doing in a whole village of newly saved Christians that needed mentoring, for one man from Ethiopia that was on his way home? This is the main question that I answer today, along with a good long look at Philip and the Ethiopian in this message titled, The GREAT SEEKER. May the Lord bless you as you SEEK Him Pastor Ed

  • 258 - Let All That You Do, Be Done With Love

    09/07/2017 Duration: 01h39s

    Overview - Let All That You Do, Be Done With Love. Acts 8:19-25. In our message today, we mainly spent our time on Simon and his desire to buy the gift of laying his hands on people to be able to grant people the power of God’s Holy Spirit, and Peter’s response to him for having this desire, for it was totally sinful. Now, this desire of Simon’s was sinful of course, and Peter rebukes him for it for sure, but it is within the way that Peter rebukes him for his sin that I bring into question in this message, because boy oh boy, does Peter rebuke him for his sin. You see, Peter’s rebuke of Simon seems very harsh, rude, and terribly unloving. And the reason I call his rebuke into question, is because of what the title of our message says. That title again: Let all that you do, be done with love. And, the reason I call Peter’s rebuke into question is because it sure doesn’t seem as if Peter rebukes Simon in very much love at all. In fact, I would have to say that Peter’s rebuke of Simon seems more like a

  • 257 - When Were They Really Born-Again?

    02/07/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    Overview - When Were They Really Born-Again? Acts 8:5-18. In our sermon today we read of a very brave and loving Philip who goes down to the Jews most hated neighbors, the Samaritans to preach Jesus Christ and the things of the Kingdom of God to them. Even though the Jews and the Samaritans hated one another, Philip doesn’t let the hatred of his people stop him from fulfilling the great commission of Christ that He gave all of His servants in Mark 16:15. Now although the Jews and the Samaritans were bitter enemies, the Samaritans accept Philip and the message that he brings them of Jesus and His salvation, and they begin to obey the teachings of Philip by getting baptized and turning away from idolatry in that they were following a local self-made deity. I believe that at this point they turned to Christ and they were saved or became born-again, but, just a few verses from the point we see them turn to Christ, the scriptures tell us that the apostles hear of their acceptance of Jesus Christ and they come v

  • 256 - They Have A Form Of Godliness But Deny Its Power

    25/06/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    Overview - They Have A Form Of Godliness But Deny Its Power. Acts 8:1-4. In our message today we do a study of a religious man named Saul, who at this time in scripture, was the greatest persecutor of the Christian church. The same Saul, who began his career of the persecution of Christians in Acts 7:58, by assisting in the murder of those whom stoned Stephen. He was a super evil religious man whom definitely had the form of godliness, but denied its power. I speak on and answer questions like: What does it mean to have a form of godliness, but deny its power? Why was Saul one who had a form of godliness but denies its power? Why was Saul so against Stephen and the Christians of his time, that he aided in murder? May the Lord bless you as you continually seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 255 - It Was A Hard Pill For Them To Swallow

    18/06/2017 Duration: 01h23s

    Overview – It Was A Hard Pill For Them To Swallow. Acts 7:1-60. In our message today, we step into the situation we leave off in Acts 6, where some evil and despicable men had managed to get the lowly table serving servant of God Stephen, arrested. They lie, and get others also to lie or bear false testimony against him by saying that he spoke evil against God, and His law and the holy place of the temple in Jerusalem. In today’s message, we get Stephens response to their accusation as they wait for him to defend himself. Ironically Stephen doesn’t defend himself, but rather, gives them a very long history lesson, to try to get them to slowly and smoothly, swallow a very large and hard pill of truth. What is this pill of truth he tries to get them to swallow? Why does he do it slowly, and smoothly? I answer these questions and more in this message title, “It Was A Hard Pill For Them To Swallow”. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 254 - Stephen Waits On Tables, And Shuts Down His Debaters

    11/06/2017 Duration: 55min

    Overview - Stephen Waits on Tables, And Shuts Down His Debaters. Acts 6:8-15. In our sermon today the Lord gives us a wonderful account of one of His mighty men, Stephen. Stephen was a mighty man of God, and did mighty signs and wonders among the people, as the Bible says, yet he was only an overseer and table server in one ministry of God’s church in Jerusalem. Plus, he must have been doing some mighty preaching and teaching while he was ministering to those he was feeding and serving in the church, because along comes some Jews from a synagogue, that didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, and they start debating/disputing with Stephen, yet they were not able to resist him, which means that he shut them down. What can we as Christians learn from how God used Stephen? What can others whom believe themselves to be of God learn from our account today? I answer both these questions and more, so take a listen and learn what God’s word has to say on these matters. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 253 - The Distribution Of Duties

    04/06/2017 Duration: 55min

    Overview - The Distribution Of Duties. Acts 6:1-7. In our message today we finally get back to normal. We haven’t been in our Acts studies for a whole month now, due to an unexpected death in our family. But again, we are back to normal today, continuing through the Book of Acts, studying the beginning of chapter 6. Today we fix out attention to a problem that arose in the Jerusalem church within the ministry of the “daily distribution”, a time each day where this large church fed its members, even its members’ widows. What was the problem that arose: The Greek speaking members noticed that their widows were being neglected, or being shorted by the church in how much provision they were receiving. How did this problem arise? How do the apostles fix it? I address these questions and more in this message titled, the distribution of duties, so come take a listen and find out. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 252 - Christ The Preeminence

    28/05/2017 Duration: 57min

    Overview - Christ The Preeminence. Colossians 1:1-18. So, I must first apologize for the delay of getting you this message, as I have missed two weeks of teaching. The reason: My father, who was also a member of GSC, passed away May 26th, 2017, and I was in the hospital with him for 10 days, and it was a very stressful and sad time. I would appreciate any prayers you have for my family. Anyway, although I wasn’t able to teach for two Sundays, I was preparing this message at my dad’s bedside, as I wanted to be obedient to the Lord and the commission He has put on my life to, as He put it just the other day, “Go and tell them about Me”. So, I am back and ready to teach but I don’t come from Acts 6, where I would have been this week, I preach today from a section from Colossians, and of the preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ. For, He is before all things, and in Him all things consist, as verse 17 says in our text today. So, come take a listen to what the Bible has to say about Jesus Christ to us today, an

  • 251 - Gamaliel’s Advice

    07/05/2017 Duration: 01h06s

    Overview - Gamaliel’s Advice. Acts 5:32-42. Back in Acts chapter 5 verse 17, the religious leaders arrest the apostles, then put them in jail, and lastly bring them out and put them on trial, for preaching Jesus as the Christ. In my sermon today we look at the final section of scripture, and part of their trial, that deals with the persecution of the apostles by the religious leaders. In this trial, Gamaliel a Pharisee, so a very religious man, steps in as all of the other religious leaders plot to kill the apostles, for something they say to them, and he gives his advice, some advice that delivers the apostles from being murdered, even though all of the other religious leaders want to destroy them. What did the apostles say that led the religious leaders to want to kill them? What advice did Gamaliel give that delivered the apostles from being killed? And, was his advice, 100% true advice, as true as gravity is 100% truth? I answer all of these questions in this message, so hit the play button to find t

  • 250 - God Only Gives His Holy Spirit To Those Who Obey Jesus Christ

    30/04/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Overview - God Only Gives His Holy Spirit To Those Who Obey Jesus Christ. Acts 5:25-32. In our sermon today, we read of how the religious leaders go after the apostles and arrest them and put them on trial again, because they are preaching Jesus Christ, same as they did in Acts chapter 4. And in their trial the religious leaders verbally attack them for preaching Jesus, and telling others that they were the ones that were actually were responsible for killing Jesus, and of course they are not happy about that. So, the apostles respond by telling the religious leaders some pretty powerful things about Christ, like where His location is in Heaven, what He has become for being faithful to do what God called Him to do, and how He is now able to give repentance and forgiveness to Israel for their sins. And it’s within the last thing that the apostles tell the religious leaders about God and whom He gives His Holy Spirit to, that we spend most of our sermon. Apostles tell them that, “we are His witnesses to the

  • 249 - Christians Beware: Don’t Be Ignorant Of The Devil’s Devices

    23/04/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview - Christians Beware: Don’t Be Ignorant Of The devil’s Devices. Acts 5:12-24. In our sermon today I cover a few different topics covered in this section of scripture: #1 – The supernatural works that God is doing through apostles, among the people. #2 – The way some (I believe) respond to what happens to Ananias and Sapphira. #3 –The way some other people (I believe) response to the supernatural works that God is doing through the hands of the apostles. #4 – And lastly how the devil responds to God’s great miracles, and supernatural healings that God was doing through the hands of the apostles. And it is upon this last point that I spend the most time teaching on, in the sermon. Because it is upon how the devil responds to God’s working through the apostles, that Christians need to beware, and not be ignorant of the devil’s devices. Why do I say this? Come and take a listen and find out. May God bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed.

  • 248 - If Today Is About Jesus, Why Do We Say Easter

    16/04/2017 Duration: 54min

    Overview - If Today Is About Jesus, Why Do We Say easter? 1 Corinthians 15:1-3. In my sermon today, I spend the majority of the message, explaining the way the Lord Jesus Christ gave me this title, answering the question in the title, talking about some conversations I had concerning the answer to the question in the title, and with a special challenge in my close. Why do people call the day that Christ was resurrected, easter? What is special challenge in my close that I have for this message? You’ll just have to take a listen if you are interested! May God richly bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 247 - Their Lying Sin

    09/04/2017 Duration: 01h12s

    Overview – Their Lying Sin. Acts 5:1-11. In our sermon today, we study the lying sin of Ananias and Sapphira, in Acts chapter 5. They sell some land that they had owned, and bring in some of the proceeds of the sale of that land, and lay it at the apostles’ feet. Peter then tells Ananias that he is basically following satan, and lied to God not men, for holding some of that money back. Now on the surface, it seems as if Peter is being a religious, money hungry jerk, because it seems as if he was angry with Ananias for not giving the church all of the proceeds from the sale of the land. But is that the case? Things are not always what they seem, and we talk about how Ananias and Sapphira really did sin, and why we know that they sinned, in the giving of their financial gift to the church. How did they lie? What caused them to lie, so why did they lie? I cover these questions and more in this sermon titled, “Their Lying Sin”. May the Lord bless you, as you seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 246 - They Were Of One Heart And One Soul

    02/04/2017 Duration: 51min

    Overview - They Were Of One Heart And One Soul. Acts 4:27-32. In our sermon today, we talk about Luke’s description of the early Acts 4 church, in which he tells us that they were of ONE HEART and ONE SOUL, but what exactly did he mean by that? How were they of one heart and one soul? Were all churches in the Bible like this Acts 4 church, and have we ever seen another church in history that was like this Acts 4 church? I answer all of these questions and more, in my sermon titled, “They Were Of One Heart And One Soul”. May God bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed

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