Gospel Saving Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 317:43:24
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While so many in our world today have perverted and twisted the Holy Scriptures of the Bible by teaching error and false doctrine (usually for their own gain), we at Gospel Saving Church are committed and dedicated to God and to you, to bring true Biblical truth to the world. So please join us weekly to hear Pastor Ed teach verse by verse through each book of the Bible, bringing Biblical truth and true Biblical doctrine to the world.May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.Pastor Ed


  • 285 - He Had Faith To Be Healed

    07/01/2018 Duration: 58min

    Overview - He Had Faith To Be Healed. Acts 14:8-20. In our message today we read of Paul in a new city preaching the Gospel, and as has happened many times, as he is preaching, a couple special events take place. 1st - a crippled man who has never taken a step, from the time he was born until this day Paul is preaching, is listening to Paul’s message about Jesus Christ, the Saviour and great healer, and he has the faith to be healed, and so Paul commands him to stand up and walk, and he does. What an amazing miraculous healing this was. It was so amazing that it causes the 2nd special event to happen. His miraculous healing draws the attention of some local religious people who, after the miracle, come and start to worship Paul and Barnabas because they believe them to be their Greek gods come down in human form. A crazy outing for Paul and Barnabas for sure, but what can we learn from these events and what transpires after? Come and take a listen and find out. May the Lord God of Heaven and earth bless

  • 284 - How Do You Know You Are Saved?

    31/12/2017 Duration: 40min

    284 - How Do You Know You Are Saved? by Ed Spagnoli

  • 283 - Their Hearts Were Poisoned Towards Jesus

    17/12/2017 Duration: 59min

    Overview - Their Hearts Were Poisoned Towards Jesus. Acts 14:1-7. In our message today we find Paul and Barnabas in a new city, the city of Iconium. And the reason they are there is unfortunately because they were persecuted out of the last city they were in, Antioch of Pisidia, by some of the evil hearted Jewish leaders. And, even though they had the great disappointment of being persecuted out of Antioch, they don’t get down, depressed, and quit, they move forward, and on to some more souls, who they hope want to hear about Jesus Christ. And because they don’t get down, discouraged, and quit because of the persecution they faced in Antioch, when they get to Iconium, they go right into a Jewish synagogue and start preaching Jesus Christ to a brand-new audience. How receptive is their new audience in this synagogue? What can rejection lead to in the ministry? Whose hearts get poisoned, and who does the poisoning? Does God give up on those whose hearts have been poisoned? I talk about, and answer all of

  • 282 - They Shook Off The Dust From Their Feet Against Them

    10/12/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview - They Shook Off The Dust From Their Feet Against Them. Acts 13:49-52. In my message today we take a look at an interaction between the disciples, both new and old, and some Jews in a certain region of Pisidia. Paul, Barnabas, and some new converts are spreading the Word of God throughout all the region, and some important Jews don't take kindly to it. What exactly do these important Jews do to our preachers? How do Paul and Barnabas respond to the religious Jews? Come take a listen and find out. May God richly bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 281 - The Schizophrenic God Of John Calvin

    09/12/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    Overview - The Schizophrenic God Of John Calvin. Acts 13:44-48. In our message today, we look at some seemingly crazy controversial verses. In one verse, Paul speaks to the Jews that he’s talking to and speaks to them of conditional salvation. Their salvation or condemnation depended on the fact that they rejected Jesus Christ, by their free will. In another verse Luke records that the gentiles, that Paul was speaking to, were appointed for eternal life, making their salvation dependent upon God making them predestined to eternal life, which supports unconditional salvation depending on God electing them. So, which is true? Conditional election where people have the autonomous free will, so the ability to reject Christ or accept Christ as the Bible teaches, or is it unconditional election, where people are either elected to be saved or elected to not be saved, as John Calvin taught in his double-election doctrine, which ended up creating the modern day 5-point Calvinist faith. Obviously, according to what

  • 280 - The Righteous Trojan Horses

    26/11/2017 Duration: 01h19min

    Overview - The Righteous Trojan Horses. Acts 13:13-43. So, in our section of scripture today, we read that Paul and Barnabas go into one of the Jewish synagogues in Antioch in Pisidia, seemingly for a Sabbath day service and a reading of the law of Moses, but when the reading was done, the rulers of the synagogue send to them and ask them if there is anything they want to say. So the rulers of the synagogue see Paul and Barnabas, and most likely see Paul as the prominent religious Jewish Pharisee he is, but they don’t know that he is now a missionary and soldier for Jesus Christ, a carrier of the Gospel, and they give him and his companion the floor to speak to the whole synagogue of non-Christian Jews/gentiles that are there, and they have a job from God to evangelize the whole known world. The outcome of the situation, whether Paul and Barnabas knew it or not, makes them righteous Trojan horses for Christ. What is a Trojan horse? What does Paul do, once given the opportunity to speak? Does he just jump

  • 279 - God's Timing

    19/11/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    Overview – God’s Timing. Acts 13:4-12. In our sermon today we study Saul and Barnabas’ very first evangelical journey, that God had called them and sent them on, while they served Christ in the Christian church in Antioch. God sends them out of the country of Syria, where Antioch is, across a part of the Mediterranean Sea, over to the island of Cyprus and then they begin to preach Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Why did God send them all the way to Cyprus across the sea, and not just to other areas of the country of Syria? Where do they actually go in Cyprus to preach? Do they just go out and just start preaching to all those that come across their path? Do they just go to one location to preach? There are a lot of little details that God leads me to bring out of this text, and I expound a little on each of them in the sermon. I touch on all of these points and more in this sermon titled, “God’s Timing”. May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 278 - Godly Assumptions And Fasting Matters To God

    12/11/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Overview - Godly Assumptions And Fasting Matters To God. Acts 12:25 to Acts 13:1-3. We looked at two Godly ideas found in today’s studied verses, hence the title. 1st. Godly assumptions – In the Word of God there is much that He does not tell us, also much that He does not tell us plainly, and even much that He may not say in one section, but that He will add in another section or in other sections of His Word. So I take the first part of the message to discuss how to go about interpreting God’s Word correctly when these instances happen. 2nd. Fasting matters to God – Fasting is an important part of a Christians walk with Christ and God the Father, as we see God’s children fasting all throughout the Word of God. Just as we see the disciples and prophets in the church in Antioch fasting as they are serving the Lord in the church. But why? Why should Christians fast today? What does fasting show God Almighty? How does God respond to a Christian when that fast? I cover these questions and more in this mess

  • 277 - Things Are Not Always As The Seem

    12/11/2017 Duration: 01h31min

    Sorry for the delay on this message, it took me some time to compile it as it was a special message speaking to the members of our church, meant to encourage us in the way that God wants us to go. Gospel Saving Church has had a super rough last 5 years, and we have struggled with the concept of continuing because of the difficulties we have faced. But all along, God has given us amazing signs, wonders, and miracles to show us that we were meant to exist and keep going, and this sermon compiles just some of those struggles we've faced, along with just some of the miracles that God has given us as time has gone on, along with a very special Word from the Lord to me just recently, as just another sign to us that we are to continue teaching and ministering to the world for Him, as one of His true churches in these last days. May God richly bless you, as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed Spagnoli

  • 276 - Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay, Says The Lord

    29/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    Overview - Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay, Says The Lord. Acts 12:21-24. In our message today we study a section of scripture in which we see an angel of God, so God really, strike king Herod because he accepts the adoration of the people calling him a god. So yes and absolutely yes, God strikes king Herod down for accepting the adoration that was due to God and God alone, but, was his acceptance of the people’s adoration the only reason that God strikes him and kills him? I don’t believe so, I believe there was so much more to why God killed Herod. I believe that God set up, or saw an occasion to repay Herod for his previous wickedness and evil that he brought against Christ’s church. Shortly before this section, even in Acts 12, Herod kills one of the original apostles, James, then turns his attention to Peter, and imprisons him like a harden criminal, intending to kill him, but Peter’s fellow Christians take a stand against satan and pray, God heading their prayers, delivers Peter from the desire of H

  • 275 - Herod's War On The Church

    22/10/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    Overview - Herod's War On The Church. Acts 12:1-19. In our message today, we examine another wave of persecution against Christ Jesus’ church, a wave of persecution or war, this time not brought against them by the Jews, but by the Romans. It’s actually the Roman king Herod, a lesser or smaller king to Emperor Caesar, that he put in charge of the Judean area in Israel. And he is inspired to harass the church and does so in some pretty outrageous, and heinous ways. In what way does Herod go to war against Christ’s church? What inspires Herod to go to war? Do his enemies fight back, and if so, how? I cover all of these concepts and more in this message titled, “Herod’s War On The Church”, so come and take a listen and be encouraged and edified in Jesus Christ. (some very valuable and tactical information for Christians in this message on the concept of the war we are in today). May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you seek Him diligently. Pastor Ed

  • 274 - Relief To The Brethren

    15/10/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Overview - Relief To The Brethren. Acts 11:27-30. Our message today comprised of a few different ideas. 1) The specific offices of apostle, prophet, evangelist, etc. that God gave to His servants in the Bible, and that Christ gave to His 12 apostles. Does God still give these offices to people today? 2) The love that the outcast Hellenists show for those in the churches in Judea, including those that had previously been bigoted against them, when they came to Antioch, and would not give the message of Jesus Christ to them. How exactly do they show Christ’s love for those whom had previously been bigoted towards them? 3) Just how financially wealthy was the church in Jerusalem, and the churches of Judea, at this time? Many today think that the Christians in the Bible, including the apostles of Christ, and their churches, were very, very wealthy, as wealthy as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were. But, is this what we find with the information that God provides us with, in the section of scripture we study today?

  • 273 - Are You A Christian?

    08/10/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    Overview – Are You A Christian? Acts 11:26. In our message today we only study one verse, and mainly only one sentence of that verse. But in this one sentence of this one verse, there is a whole bunch of goodness and a whole lot of information. Are you a Christian, is a sermon full of Biblical truth and information pertaining to the Title, and many of God’s mercies for those who are considered cast offs of our society. May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed

  • 272 - The Rays Of Sunshine

    01/10/2017 Duration: 56min

    Overview - The Rays Of Sunshine. Acts 11:19-26. Our study today leads us to focus on some unlikely Jewish disciples of Christ, whom God sends to the city of Antioch to do something very special. They decide in love, to reach out to a certain group of people (Jewish by birth) but that the Jewish people had cast off, and treated very similar to Gentiles, and they preach Jesus Christ to them. What is the outcome of their decision to preach to these outcasts? What was the name of this group of outcasts, and why did the Jews treat them similar to the Gentiles, even though they were born Jewish? Why did the Christian Jewish disciples preach Jesus Christ to them, while most of the disciples of Christ had also cast them off? I answer all of these questions and more, in this message titled, “The Rays Of Sunshine”. May God bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed Spagnoli

  • 271 - Is Water Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

    24/09/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    Overview - Is Water Baptism Necessary For Salvation. Acts 11:1-18. In our message today we look thoroughly at the very popular idea today that water baptism is necessary for someone to truly be saved. It is a very popular idea, but is it Biblically true. So because this topic came up strongly in our text we were studying today, we don’t turn to our own opinions to find the answer, we turn to the Bible’s authority, and Gospel Saving Churches standard for truth, to see what God’s Word says plainly and powerfully upon this topic. Please join us as we take a strong and powerful look at these two questions: 1) Is water baptism necessary for salvation? 2) How does the Bible say that a person MUST be saved? Bless God, it’s a good sermon, so take a listen and please leave your thoughts as comments. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him diligently Pastor Ed

  • 270 - In Truth I Perceive That God Shows No Partiality

    17/09/2017 Duration: 59min

    Overview – In Truth I Perceive That God Shows No Partiality. Acts 10:29-48. In our sermon today, we cover many different ideas, for there are many different ideas found in the text we study over today. Below is a list of just some of them: 1) God’s preparing the heart of His kid to be able to do a certain kind of work for Him. 2) Can a person attain eternal life apart from Jesus Christ? 3) Was the cross of Christ really a cross, and exactly what Jesus Christ did for us by dying on it? 4) What part water baptism plays in a person’s salvation. 5) And of course, God showing no partiality, and what that means, in context of course. So in this message, I go into and talk about all of these points, plus a few more that I did not list above, so if you’ve wondered about any of these topics that I’ve mentioned, please come and take a listen to this message and learn the Word of God the way it was and is meant to be learned, for that is why I am here, to teach the Word of God. So, may God bless you as you diligentl

  • 269 - What Good Work Can Anyone Do In Order To Get To Heaven

    10/09/2017 Duration: 09min

    269 - What Good Work Can Anyone Do In Order To Get To Heaven by Ed Spagnoli

  • 268 - God Has Shown Me That I Should Not Call Anyone Unclean

    10/09/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    Overview - God Has Shown Me That I Should Not Call Anyone Unclean. Acts 10:9-33. God gives Peter, and us that are followers of Jesus Christ today, a great lesson in the concept of love. In the ancient days of the Jews, from long before Jesus Christ lived on this earth in the flesh, until even far into the days of Peter and the apostles in the beginning of the first century church age, the Jews held a terrible attitude towards the gentile peoples of the world. At some point in time, the Jews had decided that ALL Gentiles were unclean, according to the Levitical law that God had given them in the Old Testament. This law was one that God laid down for them, as a way to live before Him in holiness and purity. This, calling ALL Gentiles unclean meant that they considered ALL peoples of the world, that weren’t Jewish, to be like the terrible and disgusting swine that God had forbid the Jews NOT to eat. Did God ever call Gentiles unclean? Just how bad was calling Gentiles unclean anyway? What attitude did the

  • 267 - The Reward Of His Great Faith And Reverent Fear Of God

    03/09/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Overview - The Reward Of His Great Faith And Reverent Fear Of God. Acts 10:1-8. In our message today we examined the precious faith of a certain man named Cornelius. Cornelius was a Roman centurion, which meant that he was a commander in charge of a certain number of soldiers for the Roman government and their army. And this Cornelius, although he was a Roman, and Romans typically held to polytheistic beliefs (multiple or dozens of gods), well, this Cornelius only believed in, worshiped, prayed to, and feared Jehovah, the God of Heaven and earth. This was both very strange and very special. So special was this faith of Cornelius, Jehovah or God Almighty noticed his devotion and revealed Himself to him in a very special way, a way that God had rarely ever reveal Himself to many. How did God reveal Himself to Cornelius, and what was so special about that? How exactly did God reward Cornelius for his great faith and reverent fear of Him? Did the way God revealed Himself to Cornelius, mean that God had ac

  • 266 - Great Faith

    27/08/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview – Great Faith. Acts 9:36-43. We examine the account in this section of scripture where Tabitha or Dorcus, a very faithful and obedient disciple of Jesus Christ dies, and the other faithful disciples of Christ that are with her in Joppa, clean her up and lay her upstairs in a bed, but then call on Peter to come and pray for her, because they had great faith in God, and wanted her to live. Peter comes and does a miracle for the Lord and raises Dorcus to life, the very same type of miracle that Jesus Christ did in His ministry on earth. Can Christians still do miracles like this today? Should Christians try to do miracles like this today? We don’t see many true Christians doing things like this today, outside of those on TV whom don’t seem to follow the Bibles ways, but can just any Christian do miracles like this today? Come and check it out, and take a listen. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you diligently see Him Pastor Ed.

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