Gospel Saving Church

256 - They Have A Form Of Godliness But Deny Its Power



Overview - They Have A Form Of Godliness But Deny Its Power. Acts 8:1-4. In our message today we do a study of a religious man named Saul, who at this time in scripture, was the greatest persecutor of the Christian church. The same Saul, who began his career of the persecution of Christians in Acts 7:58, by assisting in the murder of those whom stoned Stephen. He was a super evil religious man whom definitely had the form of godliness, but denied its power. I speak on and answer questions like: What does it mean to have a form of godliness, but deny its power? Why was Saul one who had a form of godliness but denies its power? Why was Saul so against Stephen and the Christians of his time, that he aided in murder? May the Lord bless you as you continually seek Him Pastor Ed