Gospel Saving Church

263 - Let Go, And Give It To God



Overview - Let Go, And Give It To God. Acts 9:26-31. In our message today, we read of the converted Saul, soon to be the apostle Paul, going to Jerusalem after he was persecuted in Damascus. And the first thing he decides to do, when in Jerusalem, is go to the disciples. Saul had every right to leave the Christian faith after the persecution he faced in Damascus, but he didn’t, he got right back on the horse and kept on going for Christ and being obedient to Jesus, not forsaking the fellowshipping of Christians together. How do the disciples receive Saul, who is a babe in Christ still at this time? They drop the ball, and reject him, believing him to be the same evil hearted religious leader, whom had persecuted Christians, and they do not let him come in to them. What lead them to reject Saul? Fear! What does God’s Word say about God’s children living in fear? What does God’s Word say that a Christian should do with all fear that they face? Let go, and give it to God, the title of the sermon. Why shou