Gospel Saving Church

251 - Gamaliel’s Advice



Overview - Gamaliel’s Advice. Acts 5:32-42. Back in Acts chapter 5 verse 17, the religious leaders arrest the apostles, then put them in jail, and lastly bring them out and put them on trial, for preaching Jesus as the Christ. In my sermon today we look at the final section of scripture, and part of their trial, that deals with the persecution of the apostles by the religious leaders. In this trial, Gamaliel a Pharisee, so a very religious man, steps in as all of the other religious leaders plot to kill the apostles, for something they say to them, and he gives his advice, some advice that delivers the apostles from being murdered, even though all of the other religious leaders want to destroy them. What did the apostles say that led the religious leaders to want to kill them? What advice did Gamaliel give that delivered the apostles from being killed? And, was his advice, 100% true advice, as true as gravity is 100% truth? I answer all of these questions in this message, so hit the play button to find t