Gospel Saving Church

257 - When Were They Really Born-Again?



Overview - When Were They Really Born-Again? Acts 8:5-18. In our sermon today we read of a very brave and loving Philip who goes down to the Jews most hated neighbors, the Samaritans to preach Jesus Christ and the things of the Kingdom of God to them. Even though the Jews and the Samaritans hated one another, Philip doesn’t let the hatred of his people stop him from fulfilling the great commission of Christ that He gave all of His servants in Mark 16:15. Now although the Jews and the Samaritans were bitter enemies, the Samaritans accept Philip and the message that he brings them of Jesus and His salvation, and they begin to obey the teachings of Philip by getting baptized and turning away from idolatry in that they were following a local self-made deity. I believe that at this point they turned to Christ and they were saved or became born-again, but, just a few verses from the point we see them turn to Christ, the scriptures tell us that the apostles hear of their acceptance of Jesus Christ and they come v