Gospel Saving Church

262 - Proving That This Jesus Is The Christ



Overview - Proving That This Jesus Is The Christ. Acts 9:21-25. In our message today we looked at a very interesting exchange between the brand new apostle Saul, soon to be the very famous Paul, and some Jews in Damascus where he was living for a time, after he had been born-again. Saul confounded the Jews, proving that the Jesus, which had just revealed Himself to Saul on the road into Damascus, was indeed the Christ, or long awaited Jewish Messiah. Did the Jews in their unregenerate state understand and comprehend what Saul was teaching them of Jesus and Him being their Messiah? Absolutely, because after Saul spend days proving that Jesus was their Jewish Messiah, they get angry with him for it and conspire to kill him. If they were confused as to what Saul was saying, they would not have been moved to kill him, because by proving that Jesus was the Christ, he proved their beliefs wrong. Now, the majority of this message is spent, at God’s leading, of us going through just a few of the scriptures that