Center Point Assembly



Center Point Assembly


  • The Hope of Easter - Audio

    17/04/2022 Duration: 56min

    Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 – This is the flagship holiday for bible believing followers of Jesus because this day sets our faith apart from every other religious worldview. Jesus is the only prophet, teacher, religious leader, and holy man, that died and yet rose from the dead. Every other leader of all other religions died and is still in the grave. Therefore, the words they spoke, even if they were good and had a form of truth, are powerless to change and transform lives as Jesus’ words do. Here is the most amazing fact of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, His beaten, bloodied body, that hung naked on the cross came back to life “transformed” into a new eternal body that was completely perfect in every sense. God didn’t simply give life back to a physical body, rather He transformed the physical into the spiritual supernatural body that will live forever. That gives us great HOPE because that’s the kind of body we will have one day. The HOPE of Easter is

  • Palm Sunday - Clearing out the Temple - Audio

    10/04/2022 Duration: 43min

    Sunday, April 10, 2022 - It's a glorious Palm Sunday. The title of the message today is "Clearing the Temple". We like to think about the day Jesus is finally given his due recognition of being the Son of God and the Messiah as He was heralded on this day. Even though many if not most truly didn't understand what this meant. But I can be pretty sure that none of us like to think about what it was like and what it means for us today when Jesus cleared out the temple in righteous anger. This had to have been one of the most awkward and uncomfortable moments in the life of His disciples, because they, along with everyone in the temple saw Jesus get angry - very angry. You have to listen to the message to get to this point, but for sake of time, let me just say, that today - if you are a true follower of Jesus, then you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let me ask when Jesus walks thru your temple - is He pleased with what He sees? Is it a "place of prayer" or is the whip of holy and righteous anger coming out b

  • God is Faithful - Audio

    03/04/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    Sunday, April 3, 2022 – Pastor Ryp is giving the message today and it’s titled – “God is Faithful”. As you listen, you will certainly agree that God is more than faithful, He is amazingly faithful in every situation and in every detail of our lives. It may seem at times that we’re on our own in this life and that God isn’t watching over us, do you ever feel that way? But rest assured that is not the case, God is faithful in the “fullness of His timing”. Sometimes we have to wait on Him, but His purposes are always right, and even in the waiting, God is faithful.

  • Parables of the HIdden Treasure & the Pearl - Audio

    13/03/2022 Duration: 43min

    Sunday, March 13, 2022 – We’re studying the Parables of the Hidden Treasure & the Pearl. Both Parables speak about the Joy of discovery and attaining very precious and valuable treasures, one hidden and one purposely sought after. What makes these similar parables different is the viewpoints they are seen from. The Hidden Treasure is from a man's viewpoint that finds God, the Pearl is from God's viewpoint when Jesus finds us. Both joyfully give up everything to gain the prize. I pray that we can appreciate how much Jesus truly gave up to pay the price to purchase us on that Old Rugged Cross. If we can do that, then it will help us joyfully give up everything we have here on earth to find Him…

  • Parables of the Mustard Seed & Yeast - Audio

    06/03/2022 Duration: 54min

    Sunday, March 6, 2022 – We’re talking about the Parables of the “Mustard Seed and the Yeast” in today’s message. Before we get to that we have Worship and Prayer. Worship leads us into the presence of the Lord in thanksgiving and Prayer is a time that we bring our needs before the Lord in both thanks and needs. Jackie and Tom lead the worship and pastor Ryp leads our prayer times. As the pastor, I am so thankful for both of these ministry teams and leaders. I say this because I want all to know that coming to church on Sunday morning is so much more than what so many people think of it. It’s a time of relationship, both with the Holy Spirit and His people that is unique and different from anything else we get in the normal workweek. At least it should be. That’s the way we pray for it to be here at CPA. If you’re looking for a church that meets these needs, I pray you join us on our journey into the presence of the Lord every time we meet. God

  • Parable of the Weeds - Audio

    27/02/2022 Duration: 52min

    Sunday, February 27, 2022 - "Parable of the Weeds". We are continuing our series on the Parables of Jesus and as we do, I continue to be amazed at the depth of Jesus teaching. He gives us great challenges and comfort at the same time. His challenge comes in the form of teaching us how to live daily in the midst of the world and His comfort comes in knowing that HE is still in control no matter what our worldly situations are. This parable says that the 'wheat" and the "weeds" are going to grow together until such time that the harvest comes. In this growing time, we are going to be tempted to give up and give in to the evil pressures of the world. Do you know what that feels like? I'm assuming you do. But the encouragement that we're given is that God knows all about our temptations, just like He knows who sowed the "weed" seeds in the first place. If He knows that then He knows how to keep us and protect us until He takes us home... Whether that be at the Rapture of the church or in our own persona

  • Preparing our Hearts - Audio

    20/02/2022 Duration: 39min

    Sunday, February 20, 2022 – As we are continuing in our discussion on the Parables of Jesus – we’re pausing today to remind ourselves how important it is to prepare our hearts to receive what God has for us. This is a little different type of message as we are going to watch and then discuss a recent post Pastor Mike posted on FB in this regard. The point is, that life doesn’t offer “re-do’s”, we will give account for our actions. If it wasn’t for the amazing Grace of God, we all would be in a very bad place. Thank God for His grace and then let’s live in an obedient relationship with Him to maximize our time and efforts in this life with eternity in mind.

  • Parable of the Sower - Audio

    13/02/2022 Duration: 56min

    Sunday, February 13, 2022 – Today we are studying the “Parable of the Sower”. It’s interesting that Jesus begins the number of parables He speaks in Matthew 13 with this discussion on the condition of the soil of a man’s heart as it pertains to his/her ability to hear, understand, and apply the Word of God. Jesus compares the heart of a person, with the various conditions of the soil as a farmer would scatter the seed at the beginning of the growing season. We’re going to discuss what this means throughout the message today. What we’re going to prepare our hearts for is to answer the question at the end of which group of people we’re in? The group that readily hears, understands, accepts, and applies Godly principles and truths that change us to be productive and fruit-bearing in the Kingdom, or are we going to find ourselves in the group that – for various reasons – rejects the word of God and all His truths and finds ourselves unfit

  • Why Parables? - Audio

    06/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    Sunday, February 6, 2022 – We are beginning a new series on the Parables of Jesus. But before we can begin, we must answer the question the disciples asked Jesus, Why Parables? Why did Jesus choose to speak in parables knowing that many people didn’t understand what the parable meant? Parables in a way can be thought of like a riddle, that need to be explained if they are to be understood. This was such an obvious transition in Jesus’ teaching style that it caused the disciples to point-blank ask Jesus, why do you speak in parables? That’s what we’re going t explore today. This is a very important message, because, if we are going to be part of the group of people the parables were meant for, our hearts must be eager to hear the Word of God. It’s the hardened and resistant heart that Jesus wasn’t intending to understand because they have proven themselves only to pick apart the teaching and in so doing discredit it or to justify their lifestyle of choice

  • The Wise & Foolish Builder - Audio

    30/01/2022 Duration: 53min

    Sunday, January 30, 2022 – Finally we’ve made it to the last Sunday in the longest and darkest month of the year! Have you noticed the daylight hours getting longer? That’s a good sign…. Today we are speaking of the “Wise and Foolish Builders” that is spoken of in Matthew 7:24-29. Jesus finishes the “Sermon on the Mount” with this parable of a wise man who not only listens to His teachings but also puts them into practice building a solid foundation that withstands the storms of life. Conversely, the man that listens but doesn’t put the teachings into practice is the foolish man that builds on the sand and the house crumbles under the storms. There is much for us to glean from this teaching, so I encourage you to take a few minutes to worship and study with us. Be wise today in how you build your life foundation. The storms are coming, and your foundation will be exposed not only to those around you but more importantly to the Lord that det

  • True Prophets & True Disciples - Audio

    23/01/2022 Duration: 48min

    Sunday, January 23, 2022 – We’re titling the message today “True Prophets & True Disciples”. This is continuing in our discussion of Matthew 7 where Jesus is giving solid teaching on the differences between being false and true prophets and disciples, and the very serious consequence of eternal judgments of both. This particular passage in Matthew 7 should give every professing believer a moment of real concern and the desire to truly understand what Jesus is referring to, especially when he says “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven”. Have you cried out, Lord, Lord, before? If you have, do you want to know if you will be welcomed into Heaven? There is good news here, so we encourage you to join us as we worship and then study the Word of God – so that we will have entrance into the eternal kingdom of Heaven…

  • Living in the Fire of God - Audio

    16/01/2022 Duration: 52min

    Sunday, January 16, 2022 – Pastor Ryp is talking this morning about “Living in the Fire of God”. Pastor Mike is recovering from a visit with the virus this week and will not be part of today’s service. He is fine, but just to be cautious felt it best to stay home and rest. The message that is burning in Pastor Ryp’s heart is a consistent message of his – learning to live in the fire of God’s presence. We are encouraged in this message to invite the Holy Spirit to light the fire of His Holy Presence deep down in our lives and never let it go out. There are many things in this world that would quench and extinguish the Holy Fire of God if we allowed. But we’re instructed to keep the fire burning and as we do, we are more than conquerors in this life and the eternal life to come. Worship along with us and stoke your fire as Pastor Ryp encourages…

  • False Prophets - False gods - Audio

    09/01/2022 Duration: 55min

    Sunday, January 9, 2022 – The title of the message today is “False Prophets – False gods” and we’re in Matthew 7:15-20. The danger of false prophets is an age-old concern, and today it's even more exacerbated by all the falsehoods that we are all aware of. Biblically speaking, false prophets are either speaking falsely of God and His Holy Word or they are speaking messages of “false-gods”. In the day that Jesus was speaking this, the false prophets and the false gods were very well known. Today, we may be aware of false prophets but not thinking too much about “false-gods”. And that’s what we’re focusing on today. If we don’t have an appreciation of what the “false-gods” are of our society and possibly even in our own lives, then the discussion of false prophets isn’t nearly as meaningful. As you listen to this, you may wonder why some things that are good and morally neutral are put on the list of a

  • Seasons of Transition - Audio

    02/01/2022 Duration: 52min

    Sunday, January 2, 2022 – The first Sunday of a new year! How the time flies…. Today, Pastor Ryp Hankins is speaking about the “Seasons of Transitions”. This is a great message to begin the closeout the past year and open the potential of a new one. He speaks about the difficulty in moving from something TO something. It’s in the “TO” that can be so difficult. Letting go of something bad is easy, but sometimes we have to let go of something good in the process of transitioning, and that’s not so easy to do. Life is made of moving from one thing to the next, that’s a sign of life. Listen in and be blessed as we worship, pray and study the Word of God together…

  • Opening Heaven's Gifts - Audio

    26/12/2021 Duration: 42min

    Sunday, December 26, 2021 – The day after Christmas, I pray you had a wonderful Christmas day with your family and friends. Today, we are going to be continuing in our discussion on “Heavenly Gifts”, focusing on the process of opening them. I find this to be a three-part process as we 1. Anticipate, 2. Appreciate, 3. Finally, we are Thankful. Each phase is important in that they are preparing for the next. As I anticipate what’s ahead, I can find joy in the process of looking forward to what’s coming. And as I appreciate what the gift is and how it can benefit my life, it guards my heart from thinking it’s not enough. And finally, when we get to the third phase of truly being Thankful, we are finding truest fulfillment. A thankful heart leads one into the very presence of God our Heavenly Father. The Psalmist tells us in Psalms 100 that we are to enter His gates with thanksgiving and courts with praise, and to give thanks. It’s our prayer that we all a

  • Heaven's Gift - Audio

    19/12/2021 Duration: 46min

    Sunday, December 19, 2021 – We are speaking about the gifts from Heaven that make Christmas real. We may not think about Christmas in terms of Heavenly Gifts, but that’s the real meaning of Christmas, and until we realize this, Christmas remains a very fun yet superficial Holiday. Christmas is the gathering of family and friends around a lot of food and gift-giving and it’s a great celebration, but for Heaven, it was the beginning of a great sacrifice. Jesus coming as a baby is a great sacrifice that ends with a tragic and painful death. A tragic death for Jesus, a death that pays the penalty of sin, and that becomes the greatest gift for you and me - IF we will open it. Listen, "IF we will open it", is a very important statement. A gift unopened is the same as a gift not given - it has no value. We open the gift of Christ’s sacrifice when we admit our sin, believe that Jesus paid our price, and then ask Him to forgive us of our sin and accept Him as our savior. This is the

  • Wide and Narrow Gates - Audio

    05/12/2021 Duration: 41min

    Sunday, Dec 5, 2021 – Today we are discussing the choice we have to enter through one of two gates – the “Wide and Narrow Gates”. This may seem like one of those teachings of Jesus that is too hard and demanding to take seriously. But my prayer is that by digging into this we will see that the narrow gate and the difficult path is actually a life of delight and great purpose. Whereas the wide gate and the broad path, even though it’s the default and easy path is one of great regret and pain. Jesus is the narrow gate, unless one walks thru this gate by accepting Jesus as our savior then they will automatically enter the wide gate. There is no “option 3”. Jesus is the only way the God the Father, thus He’s the only way to eternal life. There’s joy and peace and hope on the narrow path, even if it’s a difficult path. Worship with us…

  • Ask, Seek and Knock - Audio

    21/11/2021 Duration: 39min

    Sunday, November 21, 2021 – The title of today’s message is “Ask, Seek & Knock”. Do you ever wonder if God hears and answers all your prayers? This can be a very delicate situation in how this is approached. First, no man can speak for God, all we can do is read His Word and take that as truth. God’s Word gives us an assurance that God does hear all prayers and His answers come according to His Will. What does that mean? God is wanting our “relationship with Him” to be such that He can share His will with us, and that we will see it, and agree with it, even if we don’t always understand it. That sounds a little confusing maybe, but it keeps God as sovereign yet loving and always in control, even in the hard times of our life. Hope that makes sense…. Listen in, enjoy worship and the word as we share it together.

  • Judging and Being Judged - Audio

    14/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    Sunday, November 14, 2021 – Today we are speaking about a very difficult and complicated topic. The title of the message is “Judging and Being Judged”. We live in a world of judgment and if we’re honest, we will admit that we judge every day. Our text in Matthew 7 is one of the most misunderstood and misapplied passages and is known by many and used to cover hidden sins by defensively saying “Who gives you the right to Judge? But is that what Jesus was saying when He says that we’re not to judge? That’s the question that we’re going to attempt to answer today. There is a right way and wrong way to judge. Understanding the process and understanding our motives to judge is very important. Also, we need to know how we are to accept and invite judgment in our own lives. First things first, we need to judge ourselves against the Word of God before anything else. There’s so much more. Please take the time to worship with us and then to liste

  • The Great I AM - Audio

    07/11/2021 Duration: 47min

    Sunday, November 7, 2021 – Pastor Ryp Hankins is teaching this morning on the “The Great I AM” of the bible when God consistently comes through for his children. There are times in life when it seems that we’re on our own, God has abandoned us, and we feel that He just isn’t going to show up for us. Maybe we feel we must do things on our own, our way. Yet the promises of God’s Word are for us no matter what. We are to patiently wait on Him and diligently continue to seek Him. When we do, He never fails to declare His goodness and provision in our lives as the “Great I Am”. At times, it may seem God is late in meeting our needs, but His timing is always perfect and His provision is always abundant…

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