Center Point Assembly

Parable of the Weeds - Audio



Sunday, February 27, 2022 - "Parable of the Weeds". We are continuing our series on the Parables of Jesus and as we do, I continue to be amazed at the depth of Jesus teaching. He gives us great challenges and comfort at the same time. His challenge comes in the form of teaching us how to live daily in the midst of the world and His comfort comes in knowing that HE is still in control no matter what our worldly situations are. This parable says that the 'wheat" and the "weeds" are going to grow together until such time that the harvest comes. In this growing time, we are going to be tempted to give up and give in to the evil pressures of the world. Do you know what that feels like? I'm assuming you do. But the encouragement that we're given is that God knows all about our temptations, just like He knows who sowed the "weed" seeds in the first place. If He knows that then He knows how to keep us and protect us until He takes us home... Whether that be at the Rapture of the church or in our own persona