Center Point Assembly

Why Parables? - Audio



Sunday, February 6, 2022 – We are beginning a new series on the Parables of Jesus. But before we can begin, we must answer the question the disciples asked Jesus, Why Parables? Why did Jesus choose to speak in parables knowing that many people didn’t understand what the parable meant? Parables in a way can be thought of like a riddle, that need to be explained if they are to be understood. This was such an obvious transition in Jesus’ teaching style that it caused the disciples to point-blank ask Jesus, why do you speak in parables? That’s what we’re going t explore today. This is a very important message, because, if we are going to be part of the group of people the parables were meant for, our hearts must be eager to hear the Word of God. It’s the hardened and resistant heart that Jesus wasn’t intending to understand because they have proven themselves only to pick apart the teaching and in so doing discredit it or to justify their lifestyle of choice